Children disease

181-How to promote your baby’s brain development?How to have smater child?

How to have a smarter child? Sing songs while you’re soaping her up to help develop her language skills. Remember to talk to your baby daily.

How to have a smarter child?
How to have a smarter child?


Associated question

How can I help my baby’s brain development? What stage of parenting is the hardest?
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What age is most crucial for brain development?
What external factors affect a baby’s brain development?
How does a baby’s brain develop after birth?

Your baby’s brain needs a solid foundation.

Warm, constant and positive relationships promote your baby’s brain development and protect him from the negative effects of stress.
Your baby’s everyday experiences contribute to his brain development, whether they relate to daily routines or interactions with the people around him.

Your baby’s brain is continually developing. This growth begins during pregnancy and continues into early adulthood. However, to develop properly, the brain needs a solid foundation.

Brain component: How to have a smarter child?

The brain is made up of several regions that control everything we do: listening, walking, solving problems or feeling feelings. Each region contains millions of brain cells called « neurons ». These neurons communicate with each other by passing chemical messages to each other in tiny spaces called « synapses. » When messages are sent repeatedly, new links are created to form « neural pathways ». These passages constitute the « wiring » of the brain. During the first years of a baby’s life, these connections form at an accelerated rate.

But how does this development occur? In fact, parents have an important role to play in fostering their baby’s brain development. You don’t need any special equipment or toys to do this, and it’s easier than you think!

Did you know…?: How to have a smarter child

At birth, your baby’s brain connections are not yet well established. Still malleable, they can be modified or created depending on what is happening around your baby. Everyday experiences, such as playing, reading, learning, interacting with and reacting to people, are what help your baby’s brain develop.
The quality of these connections, and therefore the development of your child’s brain, will affect their ability to acquire language and solve problems, as well as their academic success. Later, this development may influence his physical and emotional health and his relationships with others.

Relationships are key. Warm, constant and positive relationships promote your baby’s brain development and protect him from the negative effects of stress.
Even infants can experience stress when their living or playing environment is frightening or they feel unsafe there. « Toxic » stress, much more serious than temporary stress experienced in everyday life, can be caused by long-term issues, such as severe family conflict, poverty, abuse, neglect, exposure to violence, abuse of drugs or alcohol by a parent or the presence of an untreated mental illness in a parent. This toxic stress harms your baby’s brain development.

As her brain develops, your baby needs: How to have a smarter child

Live interactive, affectionate and positive experiences. Your baby’s everyday experiences contribute to his brain development, whether they relate to daily routines or interactions with the people around him. Babies need to live and play in healthy places where they have the opportunity to learn and grow. They need your help to learn to recognize fatigue, stress, hunger or the desire to be petted or cuddled. When you respond warmly and predictably to your baby’s cues and set up routines, you help her feel safe.


He will then understand that he can trust you when he is sick, sad or scared. Babies rely on their parents and caregivers to meet their needs in a warm, caring and consistent way.
Participate in fun activities. Talking, reading and singing to your baby is an easy and fun way to support their development. The same goes for simple games like lying on your stomach to play on the floor with your young baby or playing peekaboo with your five-month-old baby.

A good diet for your baby: How to have a smarter child

Eat healthy foods. If you are able to breastfeed, breastmilk is the best food for your baby up to six months of age. Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed, remember that feeding your baby is another opportunity to support their brain development: making eye contact, smiling, and cuddling. stick against you. As your baby grows, be sure to offer iron-rich foods and a variety of nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables (see links to healthy eating resources below).

Healthy food

The kinds of toys your baby need: How to have a smarter child

Your baby doesn’t need expensive toys. The loving, smiling faces of adults who interact with him are his BEST toys. Many electronic toys, DVDs, and TV shows aimed at babies are supposed to be « educational, » but there has been no research to prove that they help babies learn. Watching a DVD or TV show is a passive activity. Babies need to actively interact with you and other people around them in order to learn about the world. Screen time is not recommended for children under 2 years old.

What can you do?

Meet your baby’s needs. This becomes especially important when your baby is sick or sad, hungry or in need of comfort. Your baby also tries to get your attention in various ways: by babbling, making noises or smiling. By reacting in a warm and constant way, you promote the development of your baby’s brain.
Provide a safe and warm living environment for your baby. Establish daily routines that your baby can rely on. Create a calm atmosphere at home.
Help your baby discover his surroundings, both inside and out. Babies learn by playing, and you are your child’s first playmate. Simple games will help him become familiar with the people and the world around him. Remember to talk to your baby during daily routines. Tell your baby what’s going on, point out the interesting things you both see, and help him develop his other senses: hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Health Care

Make sure your child receives regular health care. Your baby should be checked regularly by a health care provider. Make sure he gets his shots at the right time and discuss your child’s development and next steps with your healthcare provider.
Create links in your community. Familiarize yourself with the services and programs offered in your area. In many municipalities, organizations and centres offer services for young families.

Interact with another parent: How to have a smarter child

You can also meet other parents in playgroups or drop-in centres, or find professionals there who will be able to answer your questions. If you don’t know where to go, contact the community centre, library, public health unit or family resource centre nearest you.
Choose a quality daycare setting. When you have to part with your baby, be sure to leave it with someone who will take care of it as well as you do. Choose someone you trust who will meet your baby’s emotional needs and provide a safe and healthy environment that promotes learning and growth.
Ask for help if needed. If you feel stressed, overwhelmed, depressed or need support caring for your baby, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Talk to your health care provider or a family member, or contact a local community agency.

Simple ways to boost your baby’s brain: How to have a smarter child

Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Feeding your little one isn’t just great bonding time. it’s also a great opportunity to get her brain working. …

Going for a drive.

Diaper changing.

Bath time.

Grocery shopping.

Take a walk.



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Write and edit by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA On 22/02/22

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