Donovanosis and its treatment.
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142- Donovanosis or Flesh Eater: Definition and Treatment

Donovanosis and its treatment. Here you will find all the necessary information about Donovaniasis and the remedies for Donovanosis

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Research Associated with Donovanosis and its Treatment

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Donovanosis or flesh-eating Donovaniasis and its treatment


Donovanosis is a skin infection caused by a bacterium, Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, present in many outbreaks in inter-tropical countries, in particular the Caribbean, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, India, Australia. Transmission is often, but not necessarily, sexual. It usually affects people between 20 and 30 years old. To find out more please click here

THE DISEASE Donovaniasis and its treatment

Incubation is very variable: from a few days to a few months.
A small swelling forms on the skin, bright red and not painful, which eventually ulcerates and bleeds. It is located on the glans, the vulva, the anus, or the fold of the groin.
The diagnosis is based on the presence of Donovan’s body on the smear of the lesion. There is no blood diagnosis.
It is always necessary to look for the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases, in particular syphilis which is painless and AIDS, especially since the ulceration favours the transmission of the virus.
It is treated with antibiotics, generally from the group of tetracyclines or macrolides, favouring minute treatments, for example, 1 gr of Azithromycin. She heals without after-effects. Please contact us for more information


Small, painless nodules appear in areas of sexual contact about 10 to 40 days after infection. Later, these nodules burst, creating small, open, oozing sores. If left untreated, the infection continues to spread through the lymphatic system and destroy tissue.

In women, the lesions sometimes reach the cervix and can affect the lining of the vagina. And in very rare cases, the disease can affect the liver or the bones.

In a small proportion of people, the disease can be spread by skin-to-skin contact. This explains why children can be affected, as well as people who have not had any sexual contact.

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For experienced physicians, the diagnosis is clinical at the mere sight of ulcerations. However, it may be necessary to remove a tissue fragment in order to test for the presence of the bacteria Klebsiella granulomatis.

Doctors also test for HIV, because ulcers from donovanosis can bleed easily and are a known risk factor for transmitting AIDS.


This bacterial infection can be treated with several weeks’ treatment of antibiotics, especially azithromycin, which stops the growth of bacteria (better known as Zithromax). The infection begins to regress after a week of treatment but it is prolonged to minimize the risk of relapse. If the ulcers are painful, the doctor will also prescribe painkillers

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