106-Red Jatropha: What is it? Uses of Red Jatropha
Benefits of Red Jatropha. Red Jatropha is a shrub traditionally. Thus it is used in living hedge to protect crops. As well as dwellings of the animals. Moreover its seeds with medicinal properties are toxic for humans and animals. It is now widespread throughout the world.
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Searches associated with Red Jatropha Utility
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What is Red Jatropha ?
Red Jatropha or jatropha gossypiifolia is a plant that usually grows on very dry soils. There are about 160 species. Therefore its red berries and its sap are extremely toxic. Nevertheless they are used for their medicinal virtues. However a few seeds are enough to kill a man. This is because of the danger it represents for the fauna. For this reason, the cultivation of Jatropha is forbidden for humans.

Description and Uses of Red Jatropha
Red Jatropha is a small shrub that can reach 3 m in height, with thick, succulent stems, containing a white, sticky latex and bearing thick glandular hairs, also present on the petioles and leaf edges. The stems and young leaves are purple. The alternate leaves are petiolate, petiole of 8 to 12 cm length, furnished with glandular hairs, at the base of the petiole presence of stipules of approximately 5 mm length, divided into many segments provided with a gland at the end.
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No proven effect against HIV and AIDS
Indeed the red jatropha, or jatropha gossypiifolia, is an original plant. Thus this ornamental shrub, sometimes called « red medicinal ». It is attributed many medical virtues. However, as this site specialized in agronomy states. The oil of its seeds is used in oil lamps. Nevertheless, contrary to what the viral publications claim. However, nothing affirms the usefulness of this plant against AIDS – stage. This is the most advanced stage of HIV, during which the virus attacks the immune system of the patients. This plant « does not cure AIDS ». No, it does not. Red jatropha alone does not cure AIDS.
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The use of the most known Jatropha and Utility of Red Jatropha are
Jatropha is also called Jatropha. Thus it is a shrub traditionally used in living hedge. So to protect the crops or dwellings. As well as animals. However it is now widespread throughout the world.
Therefore the Medical Interest and Utility of Red Jatropha: Various Jatropha have a traditional medicinal use. Thus could find others: For example, Jatropha curcas has disinfectant, antifungal and antiparasitic virtues, likely to be used against Malaria, Jatropha cilliata contains flavonoids that are an anxiolytic mitigating conflicts between laboratory mice
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The oil of jatropha extracted from its fruit can be used for cooking food, produce soap or candles.
Toxicity and Usefulness of Red Jatropha
As with most Euphorbiaceae, the berries and sap are toxic. In addition to the latex that can cause eye and skin burns, there are several toxins in the seeds: a phytotoxin, an alkaloid and a heteroside with a depressant effect on respiration and circulation. There are also in the whole plant hydrocyanic acid and a saponoside. The clinical picture after ingestion of some seeds is dominated by digestive disorders vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Usefulness of Red Jatropha. Children are at risk because the fruit is pleasant tasting. They can ingest large quantities with a risk of shock and collapse. Usefulness of Red Jatropha