Diseases and Treatments

125-Uterine fibroid Which treatment to choose? Medical or Natural

Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy. Medical or Natural. Learn all about uterine fibroids in order to better choose the best remedy. The company Afrique Santé Bio has an effective remedy to cure shortly Fibroids desease. This is 100% natural made with plants and leaves and this is without side effects. So if you are suffering from Fibroid don’t hesitate one minute to get in touch with us.
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Uterine fibroid What is it? Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy

Also called myoma or leiomyoma, it is a benign, non-cancerous tumor that develops from the muscle fibers of the uterus. It can be single or multiple, sometimes large.
It is found in 20% of women over the age of 35 and 40% of women over the age of 50. This regresses at menopause and does not become a malignant tumor.
It does not contraindicate the prescription of contraceptive pills or HRT (hormone replacement therapy for menopause) but requires caution with the installation of IUDs.

Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy
Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy

Uterine Fibroids Which Treatment to Choose? Risk Factors
There is a family background (1st degree relationship) and ethnic background (Africa, West Indies)
Estrogens probably promote the growth of fibroids
Pregnancy reduces the risk of developing fibroids

Types of Fibroids of the Uterus
There are several types of fibroids. They can be
– submucosal (or intracavitary): located in the uterine cavity, covered by the endometrium (uterine mucosa), with a more or less broad base.
– interstitial (or intramural fibroma): entirely located in the thickness of the uterine muscle, 70% of cases
– subserous: develops in the peritoneal cavity and protrudes from the external surface of the uterus
– Other rare locations: isthmus or cervix, in the ligaments supporting the uterus (broad ligaments, round ligaments) or in the ovaries

Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy. How do you know if you have a fibroid?

Most of the time, a woman with a fibroid in her uterus has no signs at first. However, it will eventually become known because the uterine fibroid is nourished and will grow. Thus, we will find
– pelvic pain: like heaviness, increased if the fibroid is twisted or necrotic
– bleeding: long and abundant periods (menorrhagia) or bleeding outside the period (metrorrhagia), or painful periods or anemia due to iron deficiency.
– Frequent urination or bowel movements
– An increase in the volume of the abdomen
– Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
– Infertility: by obstruction of the uterine tubes or by obstacle to the implantation of the embryo (sub-mucosal fibroma)

What is the diagnosis to know that you have a fibroid?

Clinical examination (abdominal palpation, vaginal touch)

Pelvic ultrasound: allows for mapping, i.e. to identify the number, size and location of fibroids, to determine their treatment.
Pelvic MRI: can complete a precise mapping
Diagnostic hysteroscopy: allows visualization of submucosal fibroids and to assess their subtype and resectability.
Hysterosalpingography: allows to know if fibroids obstruct the uterine tubes in case of infertility.

Fibroids Pregnancy and Childbirth. Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy

Everything often goes well. However, we sometimes note:

Pelvic pain: like heaviness, increased if the fibroid is twisted or necrotic
Repeated miscarriage
frequent urination or bowel movements
Increase in the volume of the fibroids due to the hormonal secretions of the pregnancy.
Repeated early or late miscarriages: in case of sub-mucosal fibroids
Premature delivery: by compression of the fetus or rupture of the water bag by the fibroids
Prævia obstruction to delivery: if the fibroid is placed at the level of the cervix or the uterine isthmus, it may hinder the descent of the fetus during delivery
Dystocic presentation: breech or transverse presentation of the fetus.
Delivery hemorrhage: due to poor uterine retraction after delivery.

Uterine Fibroid Which Treatment to Choose?

The treatment depends on the size of the fibroid and the symptoms!

Medical: in case of desire for pregnancy or moderate symptoms.
Progestins will be prescribed to reduce bleeding by atrophy of the endometrium, they stabilize the fibroids but do not reduce them. They are taken from D15 to D25 or D5 to D25 if a contraceptive effect is desired.
LHRH analogues put the body into an artificial menopause and make it possible to reduce bleeding after 1 month, and reduce the volume of fibroids after 3 months. They are mainly used only in preoperative care.

Uterine Fibroid naturel remedy

Embolization is a technique that allows the uterine arteries to be « plugged »; it is carried out by a radiologist either preoperatively or definitively for interstitial fibroids
Surgical: if the symptoms are strong and there is no longer a desire for pregnancy.
Myomectomy: removal of the fibroids under general or epidural anaesthesia, with different routes possible depending on their mapping (operative hysteroscopy, vaginal route, laparotomy). The treatment is not radical, the fibroids may return…
Hysterectomy: removal of the uterus, radical treatment (vaginal, coelio-vaginal or laparotomy)
Natural if the fibroid is not too big