124-Uterine Fibroma Uterine Myoma Definition Fibroma Treatment
Uterine Fibroma and Myoma. Fibroid Treatment How to Remove a Fibroid? Find out here, how and when to remove a uterine fibroid. The company Afrique Santé Bio has a very effective remedy for Uterine Myoma and Fibroids. This is 100% natural made with plants and leaves with side effects. So if you have any issue with Myoma or Fibroid don’t hesitat to contact us through one of the followin links:
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Uterine Fibroid Uterine Myoma Definition Fibroid Treatment
Uterine Fibroids Treatment : Definition of Uterine Fibroids
A uterine fibroid is a benign (non-cancerous) tumor that is located in the uterus (in the uterine cavity or outside on the uterus). The size and number of fibroids can vary, some fibroids are microscopic and others can be more imposing. Small fibroids are also called myomas. They can be reduced or removed in different ways. We will discuss the treatment of uterine fibroids throughout this page.
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Fibroid Treatment: Prevalence of Uterine Fibroids
The development of uterine fibroids is more common in women between the ages of 30 and 50. Black women suffer from it more than white women without knowing the cause. This disease is influenced by estrogen, which causes fibroids to develop (decrease or appear). It also happens that the fibroid develops during a period of pregnancy, when the estrogen level is high. Uterine fibroids are not perfectly controlled. However, there are several therapeutic approaches to hopefully eliminate a fibroid. Note that large fibroids require surgery.

How does a fibroid manifest itself? Uterine Fibroma and Myoma
Uterine fibroids are most often asymptomatic. However, some women may develop the following symptoms
– Loss of blood outside of the menstrual period
– A feeling of heaviness in the pelvis
– Constipation
– Painful sexual intercourse
– Frequent urination
Diagnosis and Treatment of Fibroids
Since fibroids generally have no symptoms, this condition is most often discovered by a physician during a gynecological examination or medical imaging during a pregnancy, for example.
When the doctor suspects the presence of one or more fibroids, he or she recommends medical imaging examinations such as an abdominopelvic ultrasound or an MRI. Don’t worry, you’ll know a little more about the treatment of fibroids of the uterus
Uterine Fibroid Treatments Uterine Fibroma and Myoma
Untreated Fibroids: The Risks
An untreated fibroid can cause complications:
– Anemia due to heavy bleeding
– Painful periods
– Compression of the bladder and rectum
– Frequent urination depending on the size of the fibroids
– Bleeding between periods
– Female infertility depending on the position and size of the tumors
– Long periods and heavy discharge
– Miscarriage or premature delivery in case of pregnancy
– Infertility
Types of Fibroid Treatments
There are different types of treatments adapted to the symptoms, the type of fibroid, the age of the patient and her choice of pregnancy. Medical treatments do not completely remove fibroids.
For asymptomatic uterine fibroids, no treatment is performed, only medical surveillance is recommended. For fibroids causing symptoms or complications, two treatments are possible:
– Drug treatment: progestins to reduce bleeding, progesterone receptor modulator, etc.
– Surgical treatment: in the case of complications or a very large fibroid, the surgeon performs an operation to treat the pathology. He may perform a myomectomy, which consists of removing the fibroids. The patient retains the possibility of a future pregnancy, but the risk of recurrence of fibroids is retained. These procedures can be performed by laparotomy (opening of the abdominal wall), laparoscopy or by natural route. He can perform a hysterectomy, which consists of removing the uterus in its entirety (sometimes the cervix is retained)
So if you have any issue with Myoma or Fibroid don’t hesitat to contact us through one of the followin links:
Call: +22962020343
WhatsApp: +22965015222
Mail: worlatif@gmail.com