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213-HIV/AIDS: From HIV Infection to AIDS All About AIDS

HIV/AIDS and his treatment. How to avoid AIDS? How to effectively treat AIDS? Are you suffering from an infection or HIV positive, don’t scared anymore. You are in the right place. We have very effectives remedy made with plants and leaves. This is 100% natural and without side effects. Please discover the methods to fight against HIV and AIDS
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How HIV, the Virus that Causes AIDS, Works

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. This virus attacks the immune system directly and weakens it slowly and surely. The infected person will go through different phases of the disease depending on the resistance of his body. Without special HIV treatment such as triple therapy with antiretroviral drugs, the infection will progress to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). People who get HIV are infected almost for life. I say almost because it can happen that the virus is expelled from the body. The probability of being cured permanently of AIDS is very low.
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Symptoms of an HIV infection. HIV/AIDS and his treatment

Some people infected with HIV will not show any signs of attack or contact with the virus. Some may have them but not realize that they are associated with HIV infection. Therefore, a person can get HIV without knowing it.

In 60% of cases, symptoms appear 2 to 4 weeks after infection with the virus.
The symptoms of HIV infection are similar to those of the flu. The manifestations can be :
– flu-like symptoms:
o fever,
o headache or sore throat
o muscle or joint pain;
– swollen glands in the neck, armpits or groin
– ulcers in the mouth
– fatigue
– redness on the trunk or face
– lack of appetite
– nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
– aches and pains
– insomnia
– throat irritation
– morning fatigue
– significant weight loss.
These symptoms often disappear without treatment after 1 to 3 weeks. However, the virus remains in the person’s body. It can be transmitted and lead to complications. The virus will act in the shadows to give AIDS one day
The 128 tea allows the virus to become undetectable with the white blood cell count raised and maintained

HIV/AIDS: From HIV Infection to AIDS. When to Consult for AIDS?

See a health care provider if you have symptoms or have engaged in risky behaviors, such as:
– unprotected sex;
– washing the bloody laundry of someone who is HIV positive
– when you have been in contact with someone’s blood
– getting tested from time to time even if you think you are well
– sharing drug preparation, injection or inhalation equipment
– tattooing and piercing with non-sterile equipment.

HIV/AIDS: From HIV Infection to AIDS Treatments

There is no certified cure for HIV infection. At this time, there is no cure for AIDS. Remedies exist to put the virus to sleep and make it undetectable, almost for life. However, the virus often remains in a person’s body for most of their life. However, medical and natural treatments accompanied by appropriate medical monitoring can control the virus and limit the severity of the infection.
Currently, people living with HIV who are well monitored have a quality of life and life expectancy comparable to that of the general population.
The 128 tea makes it possible to make the virus undetectable with the white blood cell count raised and maintained


Making the Courageous Decision to Tell Your Partners
Once you know you are HIV positive, you should tell your sexual or close partners as soon as possible. This way, their partners :
– get tested and monitored
– avoid transmitting the infection to others
– can take steps to protect themselves if they are HIV-negative
– Have the opportunity to protect themselves

Possible Complications After HIV Infection

The infection can be controlled if you are well monitored. After a few years, if a person is not treated and has no medical follow-up, HIV will eventually weaken the immune system. As a result, so-called opportunistic diseases will take over. Serious problems such as certain cancers and infections of the lungs, eyes, liver, or brain.
HIV infection eventually progresses to AIDS. At this stage, the immune system no longer fights back and complications from the infection can lead to serious consequences and even death. Without treatment, HIV will lead to AIDS and AIDS will lead to death if left untreated. There are solutions and you need to get treatment

HIV/AIDS: From HIV Infection to AIDS – Transmission

HIV is transmitted through the exchange of fluids such as semen, blood and soiled objects. Sexual transmission can occur through :
– vaginal intercourse (penetration of the penis into the vagina);
– sharing sex toys
– anal sex (penis in the anus)
– Oral sex (mouth contact with penis, vulva or vagina);

This HIV transmission through oral sex is rare. Sexual transmission can occur even without orgasm or ejaculation.
Herbal tea 128 can make the virus undetectable with the white blood cell count raised and maintained
Blood transmission can occur through :
– sharing drug preparation, injection or inhalation equipment;
– tattooing or piercing with non-sterile equipment
– Contact between a blood-contaminated fluid and :
o a damaged skin surface,
o a mucous membrane (membrane that lines the mouth or the female and male genitals, for example);
– blood transfusion, when blood safety measures are not followed (these measures are followed in Canada).

HIV/AIDS and his treatment
HIV/AIDS and his treatment

An infected mother can also pass the infection to her baby during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding.
For more information, click on Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections (STBBI) and Pregnancy.
Cases of Non-Transmission of HIV
HIV is not transmitted through activities of daily living. The following actions are safe:
– Shaking hands with a person living with HIV;
– Kissing on the cheek;
– using the same toilet seat as the person with HIV
– bathing in the same pool; etc.
Protection and prevention
No vaccine protects against HIV.

HIV/AIDS and his treatment – Sexual Protection

To provide the best possible protection against HIV, condoms should be used :
– during any contact between genitals;
– during oral, vaginal or anal sex;
– every time you have sex.
Using a latex patch to cover the vulva or anus during oral sex reduces the risk of HIV transmission. It prevents direct contact between the mouth and genitals. To make a latex square, unroll a condom, cut off the end and cut it lengthwise.
Sex toys should not be shared. People who share sex toys can reduce the risk of HIV transmission by covering them with a condom. They should change condoms between partners.
Herbal tea 128 can make the virus undetectable with the white blood cell count raised and maintained

HIV/AIDS and his treatment. Taking Antiviral Medications

Under certain conditions, taking antiviral medications can reduce the risk of getting or transmitting HIV. I think you should discuss your options with a health care provider if:
– You are living with HIV;
– Your partner is a person at risk or has HIV
AIDS Prevention: Helpful Measures
– Using new equipment for injecting and inhaling drugs reduces the risk of getting HIV through blood.
– Never share drug use equipment
– Use safe sex if your partner is suspicious
– Avoid unprotected sex

AIDS Prevention for Tattooing and Piercing
People who tattoo or pierce should use new, disposable or sterilized equipment. This precaution reduces the risk of catching or transmitting HIV. This includes razors, needles, blades, bottles and inks, as well as anything that comes in contact with skin or blood. People who tattoo or pierce should also wash their hands and wear gloves.


HIV/AIDS and his treatment

Herbal tea 128 can make the virus undetectable with the white blood cell count raised and maintained.
Testing as Prevention and Precautionary Measures
A person should be tested for HIV when he or she has engaged in risky behaviors, such as:
– unprotected sex;
– sharing drug preparation, injection or inhalation equipment
– tattooing and piercing with non-sterile equipment.
This will help the person prevent complications and avoid transmitting HIV to others.
HIV can be tested by taking a blood test.
The 128 tea makes it possible to make the virus undetectable with the rate of white blood cells raised and maintained.

HIV/AIDS and his treatment-When to Seek Emergency Treatment

In case of contact with blood, semen or vaginal secretions of an infected person
Consult a health care professional or call Info-Santé 811 quickly if you have been in contact with the blood, semen or vaginal secretions of a person who may be infected with HIV.
You may need to receive preventive treatment to avoid getting HIV. This treatment is called post-exposure prophylaxis. Ideally, it should be administered as soon as possible after contact, within 72 hours.
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HIV/AIDS: From HIV Infection to AIDS How to Reach Us

We have representations in many countries: Gabon, Benin, Cameroon, CUBA, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Togo, Congo Brazzaville, DRC Kinshasa, France, USA, Guinea Conakry, MOROCCO, NIGERIA. Products are delivered to other countries by DHL or EMS. We also deliver by mail with an extreme speed and many positive returns. We provide a quality service with good after-sales follow-up and we take good care of our patients. For those who do not have great means we are there for everyone. Support is offered throughout the period of taking the herbal teas. To contact us, click on the WhatsApp button or the chat button on your screen. Delivery is free of charge anywhere in the world
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