Medicinal Plants

355-The benefits of 4 side to get pregnant .

The benefits of 4 sides to get pregnant , natural recipe tu cure femal infertility definitively and  Natural Ways to Boost Fertility.


In a couple, the fact of getting pregnant and being able to keep your own off spring in your hands is a source of pride. But when the occurrence of this event begins to take too long and does not happen, it raises concerns and questions. Behold, 4 Sides and Cloves: A mixture to get pregnant. Follow us to learn more about this 4 side and clove mix to get pregnant. The benefits of 4 side to get pregnant please join us for rapidly echange .

4 Sides : What to know of her benefits to get pregnant ?

4 sides to get pregnant
4 side to get pregnant .

The ésese, also called 4  sides is the fruit of the tetrapleura tetraptera tree. Indeed, widely used in traditional medicine, it is recognized for its many benefits in the treatment of infertility. Also, the effectiveness of Tetrapleura tetraptera is recognized worldwide for curing fibroids, ovarian cysts, myomas and uterine polyps. Thus, it works by blocking the action of progesterone on the endometrium (lining of the uterus) and by regulating estrogen levels within normal limits. This causes these tumors to shrink rapidly; such as: Cysts, fibroids, myomas, uterine polyps and reduce your pain. In addition, the 4 sides allow a deep cleaning of the uterus. From there, it cleanses the belly of all impurities and then gives you the chance to get pregnant. Like this, many women around the world have been able to remedy their infertility and avoid surgery thanks to tetrapleura tetraptera .

get pregnant with 4 SIDES in 2 month

Finally , the 4 sides are excellent in the treatment of blocked tubes, period disorders, black periods . Finally, they help boost ovulation.

Moreover, studies show that surgery has undesirable consequences or side effects. And that even, also after an operation to remove tumors, whether: cysts, fibroids or myomas, the tumors reappear later.

Now you see, when Tetrapleura treats these tumors, it completely gets rid of them. They no longer have the possibility of reappearing. So, a reason to continue reading to discover: 4 Sides and cloves: A mixture to get pregnant.

Read also: Tetrapleura (4 sides): Plant to become a mother at 40

Cloves : What is it and how to use it ?

Clove ith fertility .

Clove is a dry fruit used in cooking. Produced by the clove tree, this spice known to relieve dental pain, also calms digestive spasms. This thanks to its component in eugenol exerts an antispasmodic action on spasms. From there, it slows down the production of prostaglandins. In addition, being an anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, cloves are also used in the fight against infertility. Thus, it constitutes a cleanser of the woman’s uterus and then prepares her for conception. It is also a menstrual pain reliever. Discover its fertility properties here . Then continue, to discover 4 Sides and cloves : A mixture to get pregnant.

Thanks to call the doctor +22960081765 for more informations .

You have been looking for children for years, but your efforts were in vain. No more worries, confide in the Afrikaherbs herbal medicine center and you have the solution. also visit our boutique for more information on our treatments .

Read also: How to use clove to make the tubes permeable?


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4 Sides and clove : A mixture to get pregnant

In this part, we are going to give you a homemade recipe that will help you with all your infertility problems. Thus, with 4 Sides and cloves: A mixture to get pregnant, the whole thing is played.

Ingredients of the mixture and  benefits of 4 side to get pregnant

  • Clove
  • 4 sides
  • Akpi
  • Black pepper

Preparation and dosage:

Crush a handful of akpi, two 4-sided fruits and seven black peppers

-Add cloves

-Add 1 liter of lukewarm water

-Let cool completely, and strain.

Purge after your period until the 14th day,

NB : It is important to interrupt the treatment after this 14th day, and resume in the event of non-pregnancy as soon as the period begins .

We are presenting you the herbal 60 to get pregnant please  to read .

You can continue for each menstrual cycle until the result obtained.

4 sided fruit like powder should not be used during pregnancy.

Read also:

 Natural Ways to Boost Fertility

  1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants like folate and zinc may improve fertility for both men and women. …
  2. Eat a bigger breakfast. …
  3. Avoid trans fats. …
  4. Cut down on carbs if you have PCOS.
  5. Eat fewer refined carbs. ..
  6. Eat more fiber.
  7. Swap protein sources. ..
  8. Choose high fat dairy.
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