Man's Diseases

083-Azoospermia natural treatment, How to treat Azoospermia?

Natural treatment against Azoospermia. By evaluating different parameters of the sperm, this biological examination can reveal different sperm abnormalities. Of course as azoospermia a total absence of sperm. What do many people think about this disease? For more information about the treatmenT just click here. You can also follow the lin belowto join us:

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Definition Effective Natural treatment against Azoospermia

Azoospermia is a sperm abnormality characterized by the complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate. It obviously leads to infertility in the man. Because in the absence of spermatozoa there can be no fertilization. It is a cause of sterility.
It affects less than 1% of men in the general population, i.e. 5 to 15% of infertile men (1).

Causes of azoospermia Natural treatment against Azoospermia

Natural treatment against Azoospermia
Natural treatment against Azoospermia

It is caused by testicular pathology. It is also caused by a genetic origin. Or appear as a result of a testicular infection, or after the use of certain treatments.
Azoospermia is defined as a total absence of sperm in the semen on two successive examinations. It is one of the possible causes preventing reproduction. This disease can lead to infertility in men.
People with the disease can have a variety of symptoms.
A new study presented at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine congress in Denver (USA) reveals that men with azoospermia have an average life expectancy of 48.8 years. For more information you can join us through following contacts:

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Secretory azoospermia (or NOA, for non-obstructive azoospermia)

Spermatogenesis is impaired or absent. The testicles do not produce sperm. The cause of this defect in spermatogenesis can be :
– hormonal, with hypogonadism (absence or abnormality of sex hormone secretion) that can be congenital (Kallmann-Morsier syndrome, for example) or acquired, due in particular to pituitary tumors that alter the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Or after a treatment (chemotherapy for example);
– Genetics: Klinefelter’s syndrome (presence of an extra X chromosome), which affects 1 in 1200 men (2), structural anomaly of the chromosomes. (microdeletion, i.e. loss of a fragment, of the Y chromosome in particular), translocation (a segment of chromosome detaches and attaches to another). These chromosomal anomalies are the cause of 5.8% of male infertility problems (3);
– bilateral cryptorchidism: the two testicles are not descended into the bursa, which alters the process of spermatogenesis
– infection: prostatitis, orchitis.

Obstructive or excretory azoospermia (OA, obstructive azoospermia)

The testicles produce spermatozoa but they cannot be expelled due to a blockage of the ducts (epididymis, vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts). The cause can be :
– congenital: the seminal pathways have been altered since embryogenesis, resulting in an absence of the vas deferens. In men with cystic fibrosis, a mutation in the CFTR gene can cause an absence of vas deferens;
– infectious: the ducts have been obstructed as a result of an infection (epididymitis, prostato-vesiculitis, prostatic utricle).

Symptoms of azoospermia Effective Natural treatment against Azoospermia

Most of the time, azoospermia is asymptomatic (i.e. no symptoms are present). Sometimes, the abnormality can manifest itself as a disorder. This means sexual problems (impotence), which may or may not be associated with retrograde ejaculation (the semen is returned to the bladder instead of being expelled).

Azoospermia can be manifested by :

– Congenital malformation of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles demonstrated by an imaging technique in case of obstructive azoospermia;
– Retrograde ejaculation, when the semen is not released externally, but is sent into the bladder;
– Sexual problems or even impotence related to a hormonal or genetic problem (especially in case of secretory azoospermia).
But it is important to remember that the main symptom of azoospermia is infertility. Whoever talks about azoospermia, talks about infertility. Therefore, this is the first reflex that comes when we talk about such a disease.

What are the solutions for treating azoospermia?

In the case of obstructive azoospermia, surgery can in most cases restore normal sperm transport. Genetic secretory azoospermia is often considered incurable, causing permanent infertility. However, hormonal treatments can sometimes allow the production of spermatozoa. There are also natural treatments based on medicinal plants that can be followed.

Doctor’s advice Natural treatment against Azoospermia

If a couple is unable to have children after trying several times over a period of one year, they can consult their doctor for further tests, especially a spermogram, which will allow them to look for azoospermia and to treat the cause if possible. Dear couple. Don’t blame your partners without testing. Always consult a specialist. This may be a modern specialist. It can also be a traditional specialist (with herbal medicine). The best option in this case is to simply go to the hospital. On the other hand. Don’t miss this cool ad.

For more information or for the best treatment just click on one of the followins links:

Call: +22962020343

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