Azoospermia Causes Natural Treatment
Naturals Treatments

Azoospermia: 001 Causes Manifestation Natural Treatment Azoospermia

Azoospermia Causes Manifestation Natural Treatment is complete absence of sperm from the fluid ejaculated during orgasm (semen). Try out this good remedy.

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Azoospermia Causes Manifestation Natural Treatment Azoospermia

Azoospermia is the medical term used when there are no sperm in the ejaculate. It can be “obstructive,” where there is a blockage preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or it can be “nonobstructive” when it is due to decreased sperm production by the testis. The testis can be making sperm. But the production might not be enough to have any noticeable amount of sperm coming out in the ejaculate.

Types of Azoospermia Azoospermia Causes Manifestation Natural Treatment

There are two main types of azoospermia:

Obstructive azoospermia which means that there is a blockage or missing connection in the epididymis, vas deferens, or elsewhere along your reproductive tract. You are producing sperm but it’s getting blocked from exit so there’s no measurable amount of sperm in your semen. And Nonobstructive azoospermia: This type of azoospermia means you have poor or no sperm production due to defects in the structure or function of the testicles or other causes.

Is azoospermia common?

Obviously, absence of sperm in the ejaculate is highly common. Around 10 percent of infertile men and 1 percent of all men have azoospermia. Imagine a stadium with 50,000 men attending a game around 5,000 to 7,500 of those men will have infertility, and 500 of those men will be azoospermic!

Be notified that a man with a normal testosterone can eventually be azoospermic. Simply because sperm comes out from “germ cells” in small tubules within the testis. While testosterone comes from “Leydig” or “interstitial” cells in between the tubules. Since Leydig cells are more resilient than germ cells, they will often function partially or fully, even in a damaged or poorly formed testicle.

What causes azoospermia?

We all know of many potential causes, including some genetic conditions such as Klinefelter’s syndrome, medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation, recreational drugs such as some narcotics, and anatomical abnormalities such as varicoceles or absence of the vas deferens on each side. Perhaps the most obvious cause would be a vasectomy, which prevents sperm from joining other fluids in the ejaculate. In most cases, though, azoospermia is likely due to factors we don’t fully understand, such as genetic conditions, poor testicular development as a fetus/child or environmental toxins.

In other words, causes can be due to an obstruction or nonobstructive sources.

Obstruction causes

Obstructions that result in azoospermia most commonly occur in the vas deferens, the epididymis or ejaculatory ducts. Problems that can cause blockages in these areas include:

  • Trauma or injury to these areas.
  • Infections.
  • Inflammation.
  • Previous surgeries in the pelvic area.
  • Development of a cyst.
  • Vasectomy (planned permanent contraceptive procedure in which the vas deferens are cut or clamped to prevent the flow of sperm).
  • Cystic fibrosis gene mutation, which causes either the vas deferens not to form or causes abnormal development such that semen gets blocked by a buildup of thick secretions in the vas deferens.

Nonobstructive causes

Nonobstructive causes of azoospermia include:

  • Genetic causes. Certain genetic mutations can result in infertility, including:
    • Kallmann syndrome: A genetic (inherited) disorder carried on the X chromosome and that if left untreated can result in infertility.
    • Klinefelter’s syndrome: A male carries an extra X chromosome (making his chromosomal makeup XXY instead of XY). The result is often infertility, along with lack of sexual or physical maturity, and learning difficulties.
    • Y chromosome deletion: Critical sections of genes on the Y chromosome (the male chromosome) that are responsible for sperm production are missing, resulting in infertility.
  • Hormone imbalances/endocrine disorders, including hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. hyperprolactinemia and androgen resistance.
  • Ejaculation problems such as retrograde ejaculation where the semen goes in to the bladder
  • Testicular causes include:
    • Anorchia (absence of the testicles).
    • Cryptorchidism (testicles have not dropped into the scrotum).
    • Sertoli cell-only syndrome (testicles fail to produce living sperm cells).
    • Spermatogenic arrest (testicles fail to produce fully mature sperm cells).
    • Mumps orchitis (inflamed testicles caused by mumps in late puberty).
    • Testicular torsion.
    • Tumors.
    • Reactions to certain medications that harm sperm production.
    • Radiation treatments.
    • Diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis, or kidney failure.
    • Varicocele (veins coming from the testicle are dilated or widened impeding sperm production)

Especially since men are concerned, after being diagnosed with azoospermia they look here and there for a treatment. The treatment that will help them regain their fertility. For some men, a modernized medication or operation is better while some other men put full trust is natural treatment with plants (natural recipes). To help couples optimize their chances of building the family they desire we give out these free. And you have to know the male reproductive system

How is the male reproductive system formed with their different parts?

The men reproductive system is assembled with completive organs such as:

-Testes, or testicles which produce sperm (male reproductive cells) in a process called spermatogenesis.

-Seminiferous tubules are tiny tubes that make up most of the tissue of the testes.

-Epididymis is the structure on the back of each testicle into which mature sperm are moved and stored.

-Vas deferens is the muscular tube that passes from the epididymis into the pelvis then curves around and enters the seminal vesicle.

-Seminal vesicle is a tubular gland that produces and stores most of the fluid ingredients of semen. The vesicle narrows to form a straight duct, the seminal duct, which joins with the vas deferens.

-Ejaculatory duct is created when the seminal vesicle duct merges with the vas deferens. The ejaculatory duct passes into the prostate gland and connects with the urethra.

-Urethra is the tube that runs through the penis to eliminate urine from the bladder and semen from the vas deferens.

During ejaculation, sperm move from the testes and the epididymis into the vas deferens. Tightening (contraction) of the vas deferens moves the sperm along. Secretions from the seminal vesicle are added and the seminal fluid continues to move forward toward the urethra. Before reaching the urethra, the seminal fluid passes by the prostate gland, which adds a milky fluid to the sperm to form semen. Lastly, the semen is ejaculated (released) through the penis through the urethra.

A normal sperm count is considered to be 15 million/mL or more. Men with low sperm counts (oligozoospermia or oligospermia) have a sperm concentration of less than 15 million/mL. If you have azoospermia, you have no measurable sperm in your ejaculate

Procedure of retrieving sperm

For men with obstructive azoospermia, there is often an abundance of sperm within the reproductive structures. Various procedures can be used to obtain sperm. These include testicular sperm extraction, testicular sperm aspiration, microsurgical epidydimal sperm aspiration and others. The choice is based on both patient factors, patient priorities and the preferences of the reproductive endocrinologists. For men with nonobstructive azoospermia, various approaches are available. But the procedure most likely to find usable sperm for use with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection is microTESE. When performed by an experienced expert in the field, this procedure involves careful dissection. Through the tubules of the testis to search for the tissue most likely to be actively making sperm. This allows for maximum yield of sperm with maximum preservation of other tissues in the testis, including the Leydig cells that produce testosterone.

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Natural treatment of Azoospermia