Treatment HIV and AIDS : How to Get Rid of HIV and SIDA
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312-HIV/AIDS Treatment HIV and AIDS : How to Get Rid of HIV and AIDS

Treatment HIV and AIDS: How to Get Rid of HIV and AIDS. It is true that there is no cure for HIV and aids. However, there are many effective medical treatments or natural treatments that enable most people with the virus to live a long healthy life

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Review and edited by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA on 05/04/22



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 Treatment HIV and AIDS: How to Get Rid of HIV and AIDS

Emergency HIV drugs: Treatment of HIV and AIDS

Once you know you’ve been exposed to the virus, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) medicine may stop you from becoming infected.PEP must be started within 72 hours of coming into contact with the virus for it to be effective. It’s only recommended following higher risk exposure, particularly where the sexual partner is known to be positive.PEP involves taking HIV treatment every day for 1 month. It may cause some side effects.

You should be able to get PEP from:

  • sexual health clinics or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
  • hospitals usually have accident and emergency (A&E) departments

If you already have HIV, try your HIV clinic if the PEP is for someone you’ve had sex with.

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If you test positive: Treatment HIV and AIDS

If you’re diagnosed with HIV, you’ll have regular blood tests to monitor the progress of the HIV infection before starting treatment.

2 important blood tests are:

  • HIV viral load test: a blood test that monitors the amount of HIV virus in your blood
  • CD4 lymphocyte cell count: which measures how HIV has affected your immune system

Treatment can be started at any point following your diagnosis, depending on your circumstances and in consultation with your HIV doctor.

Know more about AIDS and tuberculosis

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Antiretroviral drugs: Treatment HIV and AIDS

HIV is treated with antiretroviral medicines, which work by stopping the virus from replicating in the body. This allows the immune system to repair itself and prevent further damage.

A combination of HIV drugs is used because HIV can quickly adapt and become resistant.

Some HIV treatments have been combined into a single pill, known as a fixed-dose combination, although these often cost more to prescribe.

Usually, people who have just been diagnosed with HIV take between 1 and 4 pills a day.

Different combinations of HIV medicines work for different people, so the medicine you take will be individual to you.

The amount of HIV virus in your blood (viral load) is measured to see how well treatment is working. Once it can no longer be measured it’s known as undetectable. Most people take daily HIV treatment to reach an undetectable viral load within 6 months of starting treatment.

Many of the medicines used to treat HIV can interact with other medicines prescribed by your GP or buy over the counter.

HIV and diet

There’s no specific eating plan for people with HIV, but an overall healthy diet can help your health a lot.

The virus weakens your immune system. Because your system uses nutrients to keep up its defences against germs, eating well can help you fight off infections. It can also boost your energy, keep you strong, help you avoid health complications, and ease issues brought on by HIV and its treatments.

Follow these simple tips for a balanced diet

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They’re high in nutrients called antioxidants, which protect your immune system. Aim to have five to nine servings of produce each day. An easy way to meet that goal is to fill half of your plate with fruits and veggies at each meal. Eat a lot of different products to get the most vitamins and minerals.

2. Go for lean protein. Your body uses it to build muscle and a strong immune system. Choose healthy options like lean beef, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts.

You may need to eat more protein if you’re underweight or in a later stage of HIV. Your doctor can help you figure out the right amount for you.

3. Choose whole grains. Like gas in a car, carbs give your body energy.

That makes whole-grain carbs, like brown rice and whole wheat bread, high-end fuel.

They’re packed with energy-boosting B vitamins and fibre. And when you eat plenty of fibre, that can lower your chances of getting fat deposits called lipodystrophy, a potential side effect of HIV.

4. Limit your sugar and salt. Whether because of the virus or the treatment drugs you’re taking, HIV raises your chances of getting heart disease. Too much sugar and salt can harm your ticker. So aim to get less than 10% of your calories each day from foods and drinks with added sugar. You should also have no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

5. Have healthy fats in moderation. Fat provides energy, but it’s also high in calories. If you’re not trying to gain weight, limit how much of it you eat. Heart-healthy choices include nuts, vegetable oils, and avocado.


Review and edited by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA on 05/04/22



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