Aloe vera Definition and benefits
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086-aloe vera: Definition Health and Skin Benefits

Aloe vera Definition and benefits. Discover here Aloe vera and its benefits both on health and on the skin.

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Aloe vera Definition and benefits

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Is aloe vera good for the immune system?
Which part of aloe vera is used?
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Is it good to drink aloe vera at night?


What is aloe vera?: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

Aloe vera is a plant with many qualities to take care of your health, whether for internal or external use. It is a surprising and unique plant of its kind. Its leaves contain a gel very rich in nutrients, from which a fresh, nutritious and beneficial juice can be extracted. From ancient Mesopotamia to early Christian Greece, passing through the Egypt of the pharaohs, we knew the virtues of aloe gel to treat skin infections.

Aloe is native to Egypt or the Middle East. But the plant has long been naturalized and cultivated all over the tropics and in hot regions in Africa. It is also cultivated in India in Asia, the Caribbean, South America, Mexico, the southern United States.

What are the benefits of aloe vera?: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

With hundreds of components, including several dozen recognized as “beneficial” for our health, the plant stands out among the best in the world. And the benefits of aloe vera are well established

To reap the benefits, on health and skin, we use the yellow latex taken from the outer layer of the leaves and the aloe vera gel, clear and mucilaginous, extracted from the inside of the leaves.

Aloe vera internally: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

In case of constipation: take 50 mg to 200 mg of aloe latex at bedtime. Start with small doses and increase as needed, as the laxative effect can occur at widely varying doses, depending on the person.

In the case of diabetes. Aloe is one of the plants to which traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda) attributes hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic properties. There is a similar traditional medicinal use in Mexico and in traditional Arab medicine. A summary published in 2010 shows promising data25. Five of the 7 clinical studies reviewed indicate that aloe gel may lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes or prediabetes. But the authors point out that the studies lack robustness and that, for example, a large study suffers from significant methodological flaws.

Other advantages: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

Burns. The authors of a meta-analysis published in 2007 concluded that the external application of aloe may be useful in accelerating the healing of 1st and 2nd-degree burns. They stress, however, that the data are not homogeneous enough to establish an effective treatment protocol. A cream containing a dry extract of aloe gel slightly reduced the healing time of 2nd-degree burns, compared to a cream containing silver sulfadiazine. Second, an aloe gel was more effective than a placebo gel but less effective than a cream containing 1% cortisone in treating experimentally induced sunburn.

Lichen planus. It is an autoimmune disease that manifests as lesions on the skin and mucous membranes. In 3 trials (152 subjects in total), and aloe gel was more effective than a placebo in reducing participants’ symptoms4-6. More recently, an aloe-based mouthwash (three times a day for 12 weeks) or a gel containing aloe was shown to reduce the risk of pain associated with lichen planus, compared to a placebo group. or a group treated with 0.1% triamcinolone acetonide.

Genital herpes. Two double-blind clinical trials were conducted by the same team of researchers on 180 men with genital herpes. A cream containing 0.5% aloe extract was significantly more effective than a placebo in promoting the healing of lesions caused by this viral infection, but the methodological quality of these trials leaves much to be desired. Clinical results indicate that the healing time with an aloe extract cream is 5 days, compared to 12 days with the placebo group.

Psoriasis. A cream containing 70% aloe vera is a classic treatment, to reduce the severity of the lesions.

The cosmetic benefits of aloe vera: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

Aloe vera is packed with nutrients and principles that are beneficial for skin health and beauty. It is nourishing and hydrating for the skin. It is also an antioxidant, which gives it highly sought-after anti-ageing properties. But that’s not all.

The plant is also antibacterial, regenerating, soothing. It allows a real gain in elasticity over time. Aloe vera has only beneficial effects on the skin, whether applied or consumed. This is how it helps us keep skin healthy and full of vitality. Moreover, the active ingredients of the plant are suitable for all skin types, especially oily skin.

Aloe vera is also good for hair health! Many products include it in its composition. However, it is enough to consume its juice to benefit from its varied nutrients present in large numbers.

The hydrating and nourishing properties of this plant will make shine and

Other lesions, infections and inflammations of the skin. Although aloe gel enjoys an excellent reputation for its dermatological properties, there are very few convincing and consistent clinical results12. In preliminary studies, not always of good methodological quality, aloe has been shown to be useful in treating:
– seborrheic parakeratosis (inflammation of the scalp also called « hat ») 13;
– skin lesions caused by occupational exposure15 or experimentally16;
– pain and scarring after hemorrhoidectomy18;

– dryness of the skin. Applying a cream containing aloe vera seems to improve, at least partially, the hydration of the skin.

Dental plaque and gingivitis. A toothpaste containing aloe that was used for 30 days had no more effect on dental plaque and gingivitis than regular fluoride toothpaste19. In 2012, on the other hand, another study reported a reduction in dental plaque thanks to the treatment of longer duration (24 weeks), compared to standard toothpaste.

The digestive comfort of aloe vera: Aloe vera Definition and benefits

This plant is mainly known for its action on the skin. However, the benefits of aloe vera juice on digestive comfort are considerable. It is a natural solution to optimize the digestive process and improve the digestion of the food we eat. Its properties on digestion make it more efficient, faster and easier. Aloe vera and digestion go hand in hand.

The mucilage it contains, which corresponds to its gel, lubricates the intestinal villi. It thus facilitates the passage of food within the digestive system. The consumption of aloe vera helps maintain the balance of the microbiota as well as the proper functioning of intestinal functions (especially in the face of constipation).

As for the latex of the plant, it is recognized for its laxative properties.

And that’s not all! Aloe vera also helps better assimilate nutrients from food. It is one of the most nutritious plants in the world and combines this title with improved digestive comfort. Aloe vera helps reduce or eliminate certain minor digestive problems such as upset stomach, bloating and digestive difficulties. These problems can occur in the intestines and/or stomach during digestion.

As for aloe vera latex, it is a natural laxative.

Aloe vera makes herbs (and natural solutions) that people with diabetes can consume. Indeed, the components it contains participate effectively in the regulation of the blood glucose level (glycemia) of people affected by type 2 diabetes. Aloe gel contributes to the reduction of blood glucose and it is present in the juice.

Diabetes particularly affects certain organs, including the kidneys and colon. Consuming aloe vera in all its forms helps regulate this indicator and keep the disease under control. This is especially true if the diet is low in carbohydrates. Of course, medical monitoring is essential and supplementation will only be done in addition to appropriate treatment. The advantage of aloe vera: it prevents and fights diabetes without unwanted and side effects

Read till the end to discover Aloe Vera benefits on Vitiligo: