085-10 Recipes for Unblocking Clogged Tubs and Getting Pregnant
10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs and Get Pregnant. Here are the tips that unblock blocked tubes and get pregnant
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10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
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10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs and Get Pregnant
Many women do not have children because their tubes are blocked. Indeed, the blockage of the fallopian tubes is the first cause of infertility in women without omitting the cases of male infertility. We offer you for this purpose, 10 simple recipes to unclog blocked fallopian tubes.
1- Cleansing with a fertility diet:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
The fertility diet activates blood circulation in the reproductive organs. Live foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, raw vegetables, etc.) purify the uterus and boost fertility. Fertility cleansing creates a « clean slate » in the body that helps the body respond better and use other natural remedies.
This fertility diet cleanses toxins and replenishes the body with micronutrients. Foods that you should avoid are alcohol, cigarettes, non-organic meats and dairy products, processed foods, processed white seeds, white sugar, fried foods, soy foods.
2- Food in 10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubes
When it comes to what you should eat, the following should be suitable for fertility cleansing:
Eat all organic vegetables.
Healthy and balanced diet
Eat low amounts of dairy products and make sure the ones you eat are organic
Eat foods rich in omega 3
All types of red meats are recommended.
Take olive oil, honey, lemon, hot water
Avoid chicken or chicken products.
Seeds are also highly recommended
Consume foods with high enzymatic proportions
Avoid all refined sugars or fruit juices (unless it is freshly squeezed).
Drink plenty of clean water.
Eat fish at least three times a week.
3- A fertility or abdominal massage:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
Hot massage (warming balm, hot water, warming oil) improves the health of the fallopian tubes. This increases circulation from the bottom and relieves adhesions. Massage provides a great non-intrusive option for women with blocked fallopian tubes. You can massage yourself as follows:
Lie down on an exercise mat with your face up and a pillow under your lower back.
Relax and apply almond, olive, or lavender oil to your hands and massage it into your pubic bone, as the uterus is below this bone.
Gently massage from bottom to bottom and pull your abdominal wall towards the navel. Maintain this position, count to 10 and release your hands. Repeat this manoeuvre 10 to 20 times.
Do not do this if you are bleeding or are pregnant. Also, if possible, visit a massage therapist who specializes in abdominal massage for best results.
4- Castor oil therapy
Castor oil as a poultice unclogs blocked tubes and relieves adhesions. It reduces acne, deeply hydrates, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, calms itching. Castor oil also reduces brown spots on the face and hands, erases stretch marks and disinfects small wounds. As a poultice, castor oil unclogs blocked fallopian tubes.
A castor oil pack is a rag soaked in castor oil that is placed on the skin to improve circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs under the skin. The castor oil poultice helps the fallopian tubes by softening tissue and increasing circulation in the area.
Castor Oil Poultice promotes healing of the reproductive system by stimulating circulation and triggering the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing metabolic wastes, old cells and diseased tissues.
5- Herbal tea in 10 Recipes to Unclog Blocked Tubes
Take herbal tea 060 to quickly unblock the tubes and to get pregnant. You can also make your herbal tea to get pregnant
Ingredients: fruits on 4 sides, fagara root, gongoli, djèka, cloves, ginger and nep-nep
Preparation: turn everything into powder
Dosage: From the start of menstruation, take a teaspoonful of the powder in the middle of the meal for 14 days. Repeat the process every 3 cycle period and you will get pregnant God willing.
6- Foods with antioxidants:10 Recipes to Unclog Clogged Tubs
Try to avoid things like meat from animals as they contain hormones that can affect a woman’s hormones like estrogen. Replace them with foods rich in antioxidants to promote healing. Foods rich in antioxidants are:
Fresh fruits, vegetables (all kinds)
Dried fruits are also useful
Vegetable oils like sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil.
Tea, chocolate, soy, coffee, and cinnamon are high in flavonoids (a type of antioxidant).
Carotenoids are plant enzymes that have antioxidant activity and can reduce the build-up of free radicals in the body. Carotenoids can be stored by consuming eggs, fruits and red-yellow vegetables like carrots, mangoes, peppers, papayas, citrus fruits, spinach, etc.
7- Stop drinking and smoking To get pregnant:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
Blockage of the fallopian tubes most often occurs when you are under excessive stress. So, you need to improve the quality of your life to be on the right track to unblocking your fallopian tubes naturally.
Alcohol and smoking are considered primary factors for such illnesses and are important for healing by permanently giving up these habits. Not only will this action improve the conditions of the fallopian tubes, but it will also improve the health of your body, nails, hair, teeth and even your skin.
If you are a regular smoker or an alcoholic, it is high time to start exerting yourself and quitting altogether.
8-Meditation in 10 Recipes to Unclog Blocked Tubes:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
Meditation will help lower stress levels and promote general healing. As additional advice, remember to start meditating with a short session consisting of breathing exercises and relaxation techniques.
Even if you only spend a few minutes, meditation will provide you with positive energy to start your day and reduce stress. Reduced stress means less damage to inflamed and blocked tubes.
9-Vitamin C in 10 Recipes to Unclog Blocked Tubs:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
Vitamin C is essential for absorbing iron. It has the ability to improve immunity and can fight infections. If you suspect that the cause of the blocked fallopian tubes is an infection, vitamin C can help you overcome it.
It’s easy to get vitamin C from food sources, especially when you like citrus fruits. Eat as many oranges, lemons, and grapefruit as possible.
Besides these fruits, you can try strawberries, broccoli, and green peppers to cure yourself with good vitamin C.
10- Lemon in 10 Recipes to Unclog Blocked Tubes:10 Recipes to Unclog Fallopian Tubs
Lemon is rich in vitamin C and improves natural immunity. It also fights against infections. If you suspect that the cause of the blocked fallopian tubes is an infection, lemon can help you overcome it.
Make a cure of the mixture of olive oil, lemon, honey and 2 glasses of hot water the morning of the first day of the rules over 21 days
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