Diseases and Treatments

128-What is an Ovarian Cyst? How to treat an Ovarian Cyst?

What is Ovarian Cyst. A Ovarian cyst is a very dangerous desease that suffer a most of women. If you are suffering from it, you’ll have a lack of Child. You can not get pregnant. However, it is necessary to remove them when they disturb by pain or abnormal bleeding. Here are some natural and non-natural remedies to remove an ovarian cyst. Click on EWEBIO to contact us

What is Ovarian Cyst? How to treat an Ovarian Cyst?

You will learn a lot about ovarian cysts. The different types of cysts and which ones require treatment.
What is an Ovarian Cyst?
An ovarian cyst is a fluid- or solid-containing sac that develops on the ovaries (organs at the end of the fallopian tubes, which are connected to the uterus). Approximately, 5 to 7% of women have developed at least one ovarian cyst in their lifetime. But young girls between the ages of 10 and 16 can also be confronted with this type of ovarian abnormality.

Different types of cysts

Ovarian cysts can be functional (or physiological) or organic, benign or malignant.
What is an Ovarian Cyst? What is a Functional Ovarian Cyst?
Functional cysts are due to a « hormonal imbalance » that causes a follicle or a physiological corpus luteum to become a cyst. They usually disappear spontaneously after menstruation or sometimes after hormonal medication. Functional cysts are the most frequent, with a prevalence of 20% in women during the genital period and 5% after the menopause. These cysts are caused by a dysfunction of the ovary (hyperfunction of the hormones regulating the ovary) and may disappear spontaneously in just a few cycles (regression observed in 90% of cases).

What is Ovarian Cyst
What is Ovarian Cyst

Types of Functional Cysts

There are two types of functional cysts (non-organic cysts) associated with poor ovarian function:
1. Follicular cyst (related to fluctuations in the menstrual cycle): this type of lump results from the abnormal development of a follicle (a small ovarian sac containing fluid, in which an ovum forms and develops). Because the follicle is abnormal, the egg cannot be released into the fallopian tubes, thus preventing ovulation from occurring.
2. Luteal cyst: results from an increase in the volume of the corpus luteum (hormone-secreting gland that forms temporarily in the ovary after each ovulation).
In both cases, the ovaries increase in size. In fact, functional cysts can change in size, disappear with the period and reappear with the next cycle.

Functional Cysts Appear When?

They appear in women between puberty and menopause because they are related to menstrual cycles: 20% of these women have such cysts if an ultrasound is performed. They often appear before menstruation and disappear after menstruation.
Functional cysts occur in certain cases:
1. Following medical treatment to stimulate ovulation,
2. In cases of infertility (medically assisted reproduction)
3. In the first few months after the insertion of an IUD containing levonorgestrel, a contraceptive product (in 12 to 30% of women);
4. Following a natural treatment to stimulate the ovaries
5. After tamoxifen treatment (sometimes prescribed after breast cancer).

Treatment of Functional Ovarian Cyst

Once the cyst is detected, if it is a functional cyst, the doctor will suggest an appointment one to three months later to make sure it has disappeared. In reality, functional cysts do not require treatment.
Organic cysts of the ovary
These cysts are of unknown cause and remain permanent. They do not change in volume and remain fixed regardless of the time of the menstrual cycle, unlike functional cysts.
Among the organic ovarian cysts, there are :
1. serous (the most frequent);
2. mucoid or mucinous
3. dermoid;
4. endometriotic, related to endometriosis.

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS )?

PCOS is an abnormal increase in the production of androgens (male hormones) in the ovaries (excessive hair growth), thus disrupting egg production. It is a hormonal disorder affecting between 6 and 10% of women. During this disorder, instead of being released at the time of ovulation, the eggs turn into cysts, small pockets filled with liquid. These cysts accumulate in the ovaries and sometimes increase in size (more than 12 follicles of 2 to 9 mm in diameter). This is sometimes called ovarian dystrophy.
Symptoms and Diagnosis

What are the symptoms?

In 50% of cases, the ovarian cyst can remain in a latent state, its presence being detected during a clinical examination or an ultrasound for another reason.
In the other cases, several signs, often painful, may appear such as:
1. Moderate pelvic pain (in the lower part of the pelvis) on one side of the body, giving the impression of heaviness;
2. Metrorrhagia (genital bleeding outside of menstruation);
3. Pollakiuria (frequent urges to urinate with small amounts of urine);
4. Digestive problems due to compression.

What is an Ovarian Cyst? What are the various diagnoses

The diagnosis is made in several stages and is done under the exclusive guidance of a physician:
1. The doctor asks the patient about her symptoms and any current treatments. He also notes the date of her last period.
2. Abdominal palpation: in most cases, no abnormality is detected during this type of examination. But more rarely, the cyst can be detected through the abdominal wall.
3. Gynaecological examination with a speculum: this examination allows the state of the cervix to be checked. Sometimes, during this examination, the doctor may decide to perform a uterine smear (cell sample from the cervix) as part of the cervical cancer screening.
4. The vaginal examination: this examination allows to look for a possible mass, whether it is benign (ovarian cyst, fibroid) or malignant (ovarian tumor).

What is an Ovarian Cyst? What are the complementary exams?

Several complementary exams help to confirm the diagnosis such as
1. An ultrasound coupled with a Doppler: the ultrasound will allow the cyst to be visualized and described (location, size, more or less liquid content, thin or thick wall, presence of internal partitions, etc.) while the Doppler will be used to analyze the blood vessels and blood circulation inside the cyst.
2. A biological blood test: this test will make it possible to measure certain tumour markers to characterize the cyst (benign or malignant).
3. A CT scan and/or MRI: these examinations are proposed only in exceptional cases, such as when the cyst is too large or endometriosis is suspected.

Treatment of organic cysts (non-functional)

– Laparoscopic cystectomy. With laparoscopy, the surgeon uses an endoscope to look into the peritoneum and see the cyst. He can remove and operate on the cyst this way. In a postmenopausal woman or in the case of a large cyst, the surgeon may decide to remove the cyst and the ovary, or even the tube.
– Surgery by laparotomy (opening of the abdomen) is only performed when the cyst is suspected of being cancerous or if it is very large. It is sometimes performed when a laparoscopy reveals that it is ovarian cancer.

– In the case of endometriosis: if there are many cysts, hormonal treatment that puts the ovaries to rest for 6 to 9 months can reduce the size of the cysts. Only then is an operation performed to remove the cysts.
When a surgeon removes a cyst, either by laparoscopy or by open surgery, he or she systematically sends the sample to the laboratory for analysis.
What is an Ovarian Cyst? What to do if the cyst ruptures?
If the cyst ruptures, bursts, twists or bleeds, pain medication such as ibuprofen may be offered. Stronger painkillers, such as morphine, are sometimes necessary. And a surgical intervention is necessary