Diseases and Treatments

080-Syphilis Natural Treatment Healing Causes Symptoms Syphilis

Natural treatment against Syphilis. How to Cure Syphilis Permanently Naturally? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
After infection, inflammation appears on the penis, vagina, anus and sometimes even the mouth. After a while, other organs may become inflamed and affected.
If an infected person has a wound on the lips or in the mouth, syphilis can also be transmitted through kissing. The protection provided by a condom is no longer sufficient. For more information just click here

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Two types of syphilis: congenital or nervous? Natural treatment against Syphilis

– Congenital Syphilis

Congenital syphilis affects the fetus and newborns. « The transmission is done in case of syphilis of the mother, generally during the 5th month of pregnancy« , explains Dr. Jean-Marc Bohbot, andrologist and specialist in urogenital infections, medical director at the Fournier Institute in Paris. It can lead to the death of the fetus or to malformations. The treatment is based on the injection of penicillin G by intramuscular route. If the mother is well treated, the child will be protected and can be born normally. Late-onset congenital syphilis occurs after birth, between the ages of 5 and 30.

– Syphilis Nervosa

When the disease, untreated, reaches an advanced stage, it leads to serious neurological disorders (about 8-10% of cases): this is called neurosyphilis or nervous syphilis. This phase occurs after a few months or several years. It manifests itself as meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the meninges and brain) which can lead to dementia. Today, antibiotics are often used to treat the disease before it reaches this stage.

Natural treatment against Syphilis
Natural treatment against Syphilis

SYPHILIS SYMPTOMS ? Natural treatment against Syphilis

After infection, the patient notices one or more red pimples on his genitals, anus or at the back of his throat. This pimple evolves into a painless ulcer that can persist for 1 to 2 months. A few weeks after the ulcer appears, the patient complains of a flu-like syndrome. Patches of pimples or redness may appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Sometimes neurological problems are present: meningitis, paralysis of part of the face, for example.

In some cases, the eyes are affected: inflammation of the eye envelope (uveitis) or of the retina (retinitis).
Two years after infection, the symptoms disappear. This phase can last several decades.
Syphilis evolves in three distinct phases (primary, secondary, tertiary) with symptom-free phases during which only serological diagnosis can detect it. It manifests itself through lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (painless ulcerations of the penis, vagina or anus) which can eventually affect many organs (heart and brain in particular). Untreated syphilis can lead to many complications such as internal or external injuries, serious cardiovascular or mental health problems. In some cases, it can even lead to the death of the untreated individual.

Syphilis Natural Treatment Healing. Natural treatment against Syphilis

Natural treatment of syphilis. All sexually transmitted diseases are very well treated with antibiotic and depurative medicinal plants. It is a better solution against the rebel infections.
– Powder in sachet or jar
– Antibiotic plant extracts
– Diuretic
– Depurative
– Antibiotic tannins
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Mail: worlatif@gmail.com