Dysmenorrhea natural treatment
Natural Recipes

Remedy 053:Dysmenorrhea , Dysmenorrhea natural treatment

Dysmenorrhea natural treatment. All you need for menstrual pain. Use our herbal tea and hot water to overcome menstrual pain.

Many women report having abdominal or pelvic pain at the beginning of their menstrual cycle. This symptom can range in severity from mild discomfort that lasts 1 or 2 days to painful, debilitating cramps.

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Dysmenorrhea free recipe

A hot water bottle can relieve cramps.

Placing a hot water bottle or heating pad against the abdomen can relax the muscles and relieve cramps.

The heat helps the uterine muscle and those around it relax, which may ease cramping and discomfort.

A person can also place a heating pad on the lower back to get rid of back pain. Another option is to soak in a warm bath, which can help relax the muscles in the abdomen, back, and legs.

Gentle exercise

Although exercise may be the last thing that many women feel like doing when they have cramps, it may provide pain relief.

Strenuous exercise might not be beneficial if a person is in pain, but gentle stretching, going for a walk, or doing yoga may help. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are nature’s natural pain relievers.

An orgasm is a great remedy for menstrual cramps. Similar to exercise, having an orgasm releases plenty of endorphins and other hormones that relieve pain, helping a person feel good.


Getting a massage or doing self-massage over the abdomen can also relax the pelvic muscles and alleviate cramping.

People can gently rub a massage oil, body lotion, or coconut oil into their skin.

The researchers found that the group using the essential oils felt more significant relief from menstrual cramps than the group using only the carrier oil.

Herbal tea

Herbal teas are warm and soothing, and in some cases, the herbs themselves can be beneficial as well. Through their research African Herbal tea comes out with natural remedies that help to manage your menstrual pain. It has been proven effective and has no side effects. To know more about our natural remedy kindly join us on the link below:


Dietary changes

Making some changes to the diet may reduce menstrual cramping.

Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and whole grains helps the body stay healthy.

Increasing the intake of fluids, such as water and herbal teas, will help the body stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common cause of muscle cramps.

Finally, it is best to cut out unnecessary salt, which can cause bloating and fluid retention, and caffeine, which can have a dehydrating effect.

Over-the-counter medication

If natural home remedies do not relieve pain, a person can try using an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin).

These medications can relieve inflammation, pain, and menstrual cramps. It is essential to follow the dosage directions on the bottle and speak to a doctor if the recommended dose is insufficient to relieve menstrual cramps.

When to see a doctor

A person may wish to talk to a doctor if home remedies do not help reduce cramps or if they are experiencing very severe cramps.

A doctor can suggest other home remedies to try or prescribe medications, such as birth control pills or some types of pain reliever, to manage the symptoms.

Other symptoms that may warrant a visit to the doctor include:

  • very heavy bleeding
  • cramps that get worse over time or with age
  • severe pain or discomfort
  • cramps that interfere with daily life
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