You have a fertility problem. The pregnancy is slow in coming. No worries. We offer you herbal teas to get pregnant. You will also find more than 20 simple recipes to get pregnant and even to have twins. Here are 21 natural ways to boost fertility and get pregnant faster. Keep your patience to find out everything to get pregnant

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1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants like vitamin E, folate and zinc may improve fertility for both men and women. They deactivate the free radicals in your body, which can damage both sperm and egg cells. One 2012 study of young, adult men found that eating 75 grams of antioxidant-rich walnuts per day improved sperm quality. A study trusted Source of 232 women showed that higher folate intake was associated with higher rates of implantation, clinical pregnancy, and live birth. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, and grains are packed full of beneficial antioxidants like vitamins C and E, folate, beta carotene, and lutein

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2. Recipes To Get Pregnant Naturally: Avoid trans fats

Choice good fats. Trans fats are not good to get pregnant due to their negative effects on insulin sensitivity. So, eating healthy fats every day is important for boosting fertility and overall health. However, trans fats are associated with an increased risk of ovulatory infertility. Trans fats are commonly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils and are usually present in some margarine, fried foods, processed products, and baked goods. Some of the faves, we know. Studies have found that a diet higher in trans fats and lower in unsaturated fats was linked to infertility for both men and women trusted Source.

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3. Eat a bigger breakfast

Eating a substantial breakfast may help women with fertility problems. Indeed, one study found that eating a larger breakfast may improve the hormonal effects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a major cause of infertility. In addition, for moderate weight women with PCOS, eating most of their calories at breakfast reduced insulin levels by 8 per cent and testosterone levels by 50 per cent. High levels of either can contribute to infertility. However, by the end of the 12-week study, these women had ovulated more than women who ate a smaller breakfast and larger dinner, suggesting improved fertility. In addition, it’s important to note that increasing the size of your breakfast without reducing the size of your evening meal is likely to lead to weight gain

4. Cut down on carbs if you have PCOS is a Help To Get Pregnant

Following a lower-carb eating plan (where less than 45 per cent of calories come from carbs) is generally recommended for women with PCOS. Many studies have indicated that managing carb intake provides beneficial effects on some aspects of PCOS. Lower carb diets may help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce insulin levels, and encourage fat loss, all while helping menstrual regularity.

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5. Eat fewer refined carbs

Refined carbs are especially problematic. Refined carbs include sugary foods and drinks and processed grains, including white pasta, bread, and rice. Indeed, these carbs are absorbed very quickly, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. Insulin is chemically similar to ovarian hormones. These hormones help our eggs mature. Consistently elevated insulin can cause the body to produce fewer reproductive hormones because it thinks it doesn’t need it. This can contribute to a lack of egg maturation and ovulation.

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Fibre helps your body get rid of excess hormones and keeps blood sugar balanced. Certain types of fibre remove excess estrogen by binding to it in the intestines. The excess estrogen is then removed from the body as a waste product. One older 2009 study trusted Source associated soluble fibre, such as from avocados, sweet potatoes, oats, and fruits, with lower levels of estrogen and progesterone. Soluble fibre from fruit especially had the strongest association with lower concentrations of estrogen. Some examples of high fibre foods are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. The daily recommended intake of fibre for women is 25 grams per day and 31 grams for entrusted Source.

Verify with your doctor on your current fibre intake to see if you should be eating more.

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7. Swap protein sources

Take first-class, sourced protein without additives without growth hormones. Consider replacing some of the proteins in your diet with protein from vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, and low mercury fish. Try this coconut chickpea curry for a protein-filled dinner.

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8. Choose high-fat dairy

Take sour dairy products without additives without growth hormones. High intakes of low-fat dairy foods may increase the risk of infertility, whereas high-fat dairy foods may decrease it. To reap these potential benefits, try replacing one low-fat dairy serving per day with one high-fat dairy serving, such as a glass of whole milk or full-fat yoghurt

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9. Add in a multivitamin

multivitamins of sour plant origin boost fertility in both men and women. You should take especially vitamins C and E in food supplements to boost your fertility. In addition, micronutrients found in vitamins have essential rolesTrusted Source infertility. However, for women trying to get pregnant, a multivitamin containing folate may be especially beneficial.

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10. Do Exercises is in Recipes To Get Pregnant

Moderate exercise has many benefits for your health, including increased fertility. Increasing moderate physical activity has positive effects trusted Source on fertility for women and men, especially those with obesity. The trick is that moderation is key. Excessive high intensity exercise has actually been associated with trusted Sources with decreased fertility in certain women.If you plan to increase your activity, add it gradually and make sure your healthcare team is aware.

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11. Relaxation is Useful ( Recipes To Get Pregnant)

Relaxation also boosts fertility in women and men. If you’re trying to conceive, you have to manage stress, too. As your stress levels increase, your chances of getting pregnant decrease. This is likely due to the hormonal changes that occur when you feel stressed. Research on the links between stress and fertility are a fixed trusted Source, but there’s evidence that stress can suppress fertility. Receiving support and counselling may reduce anxiety and depression levels, and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. And don’t forget to take time for yourself.

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12. Remove Coffee

If you want to get pregnant then you need to cut down on coffee consumption or simply cut out coffee. So, consider limiting your caffeine intake to one or two cups of coffee per day to be on the safe side. Give these non-coffee options a try

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13. Aim for a healthy weight

if you are overweight then reduce your weight. Eliminate excess fat because fat is harmful to fertility. Indeed, weight is one of the most influential factors when it comes to fertility for men and women. In fact, being either underweight or overweight is associated with increased infertility. This is because the amount of fat stored in your body influences menstrual function. Having obesity especially is associated with lack of ovulation and menstrual irregularity but also with impaired egg development

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14. Check those iron levels

iron is useful if you want to get pregnant. But, the iron should be of plant origin and not chemical. Chemical iron is not good for uterine health. More evidence is needed to confirm whether iron supplements should be recommended to all women, especially if iron levels are already healthy

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15. Avoid excess alcohol

alcohol is bad for general health and bad for uterine health. A woman who wishes to become pregnant should not take alcohol.

However, the evidence on moderate alcohol consumption is mixed. One older study trusted Source found no link between moderate consumption and infertility, while other studies report that moderate intake can affect fertility.
Not drinking alcohol is better

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16. Natural supplements in Recipes To Get Pregnant

there are plants or supplements that boost fertility naturally Maca boosts fertility, unclogs the tubes and makes conception easier

Example include:

  • Maca: Maca boosts fertility, unclogs the tubes and makes conception easier. It improves the quality of sperm 
  • Bee pollen: Bee pollen has been linked to improved immunity, fertility, and overall nutrition. It improves the quality of sperm

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17. Recipes To Get Pregnant: food supplements

Certain food supplements have been linked to increased fertility, especially in animal studies.

Examples include:

  • Bee propolis: A study of women with endometriosis found that taking bee propolis twice a day resulted in a 40 percent greater chance of becoming pregnant after 9 months. More studies are needed.
  • Royal jelly: Royal jelly, which is also made by bees, is packed with amino acids, lipids, sugars, vitamins, fatty acids, iron, and calcium. Animal studiesTrusted Source found it may improve reproductive health in rats.

18. Recipes To Get Pregnant: Takeaway

Eating a nutritious diet and making positive lifestyle changes can help boost fertility and prepare your body for pregnancy. Plus, it’s just helpful to you all around. SO, if you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s important that you begin making healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices today. But don’t let stress and worry get you down

20. Quick tips for increasing fertility naturally

  • Taking an antioxidant supplement or eating antioxidant-rich foods can improve fertility rates, especially among men with infertility.
  • Some studies suggest that eating more calories at breakfast and fewer at your evening meal can improve fertility.
  • To boost fertility levels, avoid foods high in trans fats. Eat foods rich in healthy fats instead, such as extra virgin olive oil.
  • Eating a diet high in refined carbs may raise insulin levels, which may increase the risk of infertility and make it harder to get pregnant.
  • Eating more protein from vegetable sources, instead of animal sources, may improve fertility levels in women.
  • Replacing low-fat dairy products with high-fat versions may help improve fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Taking a multivitamin may help boost fertility if you’re not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet.
  • A sedentary lifestyle is linked to infertility, and exercise can improve fertility. However, exercising too much can have the opposite effect.
  • High stress and anxiety levels can reduce your chances of conception. Managing your stress level can increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Being either underweight or overweight can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant

