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Varicocele: Symptoms Diagnosis Natural Treatment of Varicocele

Natural Treatment of Varicocele Natural Remedy varicocele Or Varicocele Surgery? Please to know more about how to heal testicular varicocele

Varicocele: Symptoms Diagnosis Natural Treatment of

VaricoceleVaricoceles and Male Infertility

Varicocele Surgery and Other Medical Procedures
Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery
9 Varicocele Natural Treatment Tips
It Is Possible to Treat Varicoceles Naturally!
Similar to varicose veins found in the leg, a varicocele is also an enlarged vein, but in the scrotum. Because varicoceles are common in men, I am seeing more and more male clients seeking varicocele natural treatment.

Varicocele Causes

How do you get varicocele? Over time, the buildup of blood causes the veins to enlarge, hence the varicocele. While varicoceles are common in men, the exact cause of varicoceles is still unknown.

Symptoms of Varicocele

A varicocele is usually accompanied by shrinking testicles and scrotum swelling. Most men with varicoceles experience constant throbbing pain in the testes. More symptoms of varicoceles:

  • lump in one of the testicles
  • visible enlargement of the veins in the scrotum

While there are varicocele symptoms, there are also symptomless varicocele cases. For these cases, varicoceles may be diagnosed after a sperm analysis and a physical exam. If you suspect you may have varicoceles, have them checked. The sooner the condition is discovered, the better your chances of addressing it.

Varicoceles and Male Infertility

Sadly, about 15% of the male population suffers from varicoceles[1]. Since varicoceles and infertility are closely related, 40% of infertile men have varicoceles[2]. Overall, around 50% of total infertility cases are male-related[3], with varicoceles as the most reported cause of male infertility[4]. However, being diagnosed with varicocele doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re infertile. There is still hope. For men with varicoceles, natural treatment options may help reverse the condition without surgery.

Sperm Production and Varicoceles

Did you know that the testes are located outside the male body for a reason? Because the normal body temperature is higher, it isn’t ideal for sperm production. For successful sperm production to occur, the testes should be kept at a certain temperature. The network of blood vessels in the testes, the Pampiniform venous plexus, supplies the testes with oxygen and regulates temperature. Since they block blood flow to the testes, varicoceles make heat regulation difficult. Because the high temperature kills off viable sperm in the testes, this results in infertility.

Varicocele Risk Factors

According to statistics, varicoceles appear more often on the left side of the scrotum. Also, varicoceles are more common in tall and lean men. While these are the common risk factors for men, there is no known explanation for this.

Varicocele Surgery and Other Medical Procedures

When should you treat varicoceles? According to experts, it is not always necessary to treat varicoceles. However, if they cause pain, unexplained infertility (2 years or more), low sperm count or a reduction in testicle size, consider getting treatment.


With varicoceles, patients have limited options for treatment. Since this is the case, surgery is often the solution for most varicocele patients. Surgical options include:

  • Conventional Surgery (Open Surgery)
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Microsurgery (Microsurgical Varicocelectomy)
  • Radiologic Balloon Occlusion
  • Varicocele Embolization (Percutaneous Embolization)

Risks of Varicocele Surgery

When it comes to varicocele surgeries, the operation is generally simple and straightforward which is why many doctors readily perform surgery on infertile men with varicoceles. But should you consider getting surgery for varicoceles? Although varicocele surgeries are usually safe, they also pose risks to the patient. Men who undergo varicocele surgery may have:

  • arterial damage
  • infections
  • testicular atrophy
  • pain in the abdomen
  • swelling, fluid buildup, bruising
  • enlargement of the vein where blood passes after the surgery

In rare cases, patients who undergo varicocele surgery may also develop renal vein thrombosis, which can affect their kidneys. When this happens, another surgery may be needed.

Varicocele Surgery Success Rate

According to present statistics for varicocele surgery, only 30% of patients[5] experience improvement in sperm count. In the remaining 70% of men who have the surgery, there is no improvement. Also, your doctor cannot predict whether your sperm count will improve after the surgery. Like you, he can only wait and see!

Successful conception does not depend on high sperm counts alone. Of all the men who undergo varicocele surgery, only 15% successfully father a child.

Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery

Since varicocele surgery is not 100% reliable, men may consider varicocele natural treatment options first. Natural options, such as a healthy diet, a balanced lifestyle, and supplemental nutrition are cheaper.

For varicocele natural treatment, the main goal is to improve blood circulation. While this is the main goal, natural treatments also aim to strengthen the vein walls and cleanse the reproductive system.

9 Varicocele Natural Treatment Tips

Varicocele treatment doesn’t have to be expensive nor invasive. With proper nutrition, good lifestyle choices and proper supplementation, you can help your body treat varicoceles naturally. Here are our top varicocele natural treatment recommendations you can easily integrate into your diet and lifestyle:

1. Balanced Diet

Try to eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.

2. Opt For Whole Grains

Start eating whole grains, foods that contain essential fatty acids, some wild fish and nuts.

3. Increase Water Intake

Drink a minimum of eight glasses of purified water a day.

4. Go Organic

Opt for organic foods over processed foods.

5. No Junk Food

Avoid intake of junk food, trans fats, caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

6. Consider Going Vegan

Minimize your intake of animal products and choose vegetarian sources of protein instead.

7. Up Your Vitamin C Intake

A diet rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids strengthens the walls of your blood vessels and prevents plaque formation that can clog your blood vessels. Plaque is a mixture of cholesterol and fats which adhere to the walls of the blood s and can predispose you to cardiovascular conditions.

8. Supplement

Complement your diet with premium quality supplements: 1000mg bioflavonoids a day, 1000 mg vitamin C three times a day, 30 mg Zinc and 400 IU vitamin E a day.

9. Try Herbs

Varicocele treatment natural protocol also includes herbs. Herbs shown to improve varicoceles include damianasaw palmetto berriesginseng and sarsaparilla.

Yoga For Varicoceles?

One of the ways to treat varicoceles is by doing yoga.

This may sound surprising, but it is possible that yoga may be effective in treating varicocele naturally. And it makes sense too, as certain yoga postures can increase testicular blood flow. Using yoga will flush out the pooling blood from the varicocele and cool the testes. Yoga improves posture, muscle tone and circulation (with the added benefit of relaxation!). Overall, yoga helps reduce pain, improve fertility and healing the varicose veins.

If you’d like to try yoga for varicocele treatment, have a look at for different yoga poses that may help improve your varicocele.

It Is Possible to Treat Varicoceles Naturally!

While surgery is the most common option for varicoceles, natural options for varicocele treatment are also available. Since surgery doesn’t guarantee 100% success, try natural options first before considering surgery.

Do you have varicoceles? If so, did you get them treated? Have you used varicocele natural treatment, surgery or both? Share your thoughts with me!