Children disease

219-COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) All about COPD disease

All about COPD disease. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a common condition, especially in smokers. Approximately 9% of men and 4% of women over 65 years of age suffer from COPD or emphysema (i.e. between 800,000 and one million French people). However, the frequency in the female population is constantly increasing due to the growing number of female smokers. Moreover, for the same amount of tobacco consumption, women develop earlier and more severe forms of COPD than men.

COPD, all disease, chronic obstrutive, pulmonary disease, causes and symptoms of copd, natural treatment


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WHAT IS CPD? All about COPD disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, is a severe form of bronchitis that affects the breath and causes irreversible damage to the lungs. It is a slowly progressive disease that develops over several years. It is common, especially in smokers. Its frequency in the female population is constantly increasing due to the growing number of female smokers. Moreover, for the same amount of tobacco consumption, women develop earlier and more severe forms of COPD than men.

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The first symptoms of COPD are those of chronic bronchitis: cough and sputum, especially in the morning. Gradually, the symptoms worsen and the person feels short of breath with effort. At rest, the air arrives in sufficient quantity in the lungs but, with effort, the narrowing of the bronchial tubes hinders ventilation and causes breathlessness. As the disease progresses, difficulty in breathing is also felt at rest.

All about COPD disease
All about COPD disease

Progressively, the lung has difficulty emptying because of the narrowing of the bronchioles. The alveoli, the small sacs where gas is exchanged with the blood, become distended. When weakened, they rupture and fuse together. Emphysema sets in with its symptoms.


Emphysema is a chronic lung disorder in which the alveoli in the lungs fuse together. The tissues surrounding them lose their elasticity and prevent them from swelling. This reduces the amount of oxygen that passes into the bloodstream and makes it harder to breathe. In most cases, emphysema is a complication of COPD, but aging also causes the alveoli to lose elasticity, even in non-smokers. This can be severe enough to be considered emphysema.

Airway infections can also promote or worsen emphysema. A vicious cycle is set in motion, as the emphysema itself increases the risk of infection. Men are twice as affected by emphysema as women, but this difference is decreasing as more women smoke.


The symptoms of emphysema are characteristic: as the alveoli are affected, you feel more and more breathless, even at rest. In addition, the alveoli gradually lose their elasticity and air becomes trapped in the lungs. These air pockets keep the lungs permanently inflated and the chest takes on a particular shape called « barrel ». Sometimes these air pockets burst in the cavity that separates the lungs from the rib cage. The air that accumulates in this cavity interferes with breathing in and makes shortness of breath worse.

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The most common complications are emphysema and chronic respiratory failure, i.e. chronic lack of oxygen, which requires special treatment, oxygen therapy, to maintain an adequate blood oxygen level. This fatigues the heart and can lead to heart failure over time. Lips and fingernails may turn blue because they are not oxygenated enough.

COPD progresses through episodes of exacerbation (two or three per year) during which the symptoms worsen.


Smoking is the cause of 90% of COPD. Smoking causes the production of excessive mucus in the bronchioles, which promotes bronchial infections. These infections in turn increase mucus production and keep the bronchioles and bronchioles inflamed. Not all smokers are equal when it comes to COPD: with equal smoking, only 20-30% of smokers will develop this disease.

COPD is an occupational disease in 10% of cases: repeated exposure to certain solvents, cement and silica dust, certain agricultural products and mining products increases the risk of developing this disease. Finally, there is a hereditary form of COPD and emphysema, but it remains rare. For any question please message us.

Written by: Latifou WOROU

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