Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans. The following plants and herbs are known to address male infertility and restore men’s reproductive capabilities.
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Associated Research of the Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans
Male Infertility Natural Treatment
Male infertility can be more effectively addressed through the use of botanical remedies. We provide an herbal tea specifically designed to assist with male infertility issues, including oligospermia, azoospermia, and asthenospermia. This product has proven to be effective in treating a significant number of cases of non-organic sterility in men. It stands out as one of the premier herbal solutions available, restoring the full reproductive capabilities of men when the underlying cause is not organic. For further insights into this phenomenon, please follow this link.
Beneficial effects of the cure for male infertility
The product addresses male infertility within three months. This herbal tea enhances both the quality and quantity of spermatozoa, resulting in robust, potent, resilient, and highly mobile sperm. It significantly improves the volume, quality, and viscosity of sperm in a remarkably short timeframe. This herbal remedy serves as an effective solution for male infertility. Furthermore, it contributes to increased strength, vitality, and masculinity in men, leading to a more substantial sperm production. This treatment promotes natural male fertility enhancement.
NB: A program is required at the beginning of treatment and at the end of treatment to assess the state of the premises.
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Technical sheet of Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans
Weight 50 g
Compositions Vegetable extracts antioxidants, immunoreconstituant
Properties Alicament, stimulant, immunoreconstituant, etc.
Presentation Powder in box or bag
Instructions for use: Read the instructions
Duration of treatment :3 months renewable required.
Price:50 euros
Indications Male sterility, oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, sperm insufficiency, etc.
NB: The remedy 050: male infertility azoospermia successfully heals in three months, male infertility.
The therapeutic effects of the product against male infertility
The majority of sterile men do not experience erectile dysfunction. They frequently engage in sexual activity but possess sperm that is incapable of fertilization. Our treatment aims to enhance their reproductive health by swiftly improving both the quality and quantity of essential components, such as sperm and spermatozoa, while also addressing circulation in smaller blood vessels, among other factors.
The powder acts in the following cases of male infertility
1. Oligospermia refers to a condition characterized by a deficiency of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. Typically, a healthy sample contains a minimum of 20 million sperm per millilitre. A count falling below 10 million per millilitre may contribute to infertility issues.
2. Azoospermia denotes the complete absence of spermatozoa in the semen.
3. Asthenospermia is identified by the presence of spermatozoa that exhibit reduced motility and activity. Normally, at least 50% of sperm should be motile; a percentage below this indicates asthenospermia, which significantly diminishes the potential for fertilization.
4. Necrospermia is characterized by the death of more than 50% of spermatozoa, often resulting from infections. This condition leads to a nearly nonexistent fertilization capability.
5. Teratospermia is defined by the presence of more than 50% of spermatozoa exhibiting abnormal morphology. 6. There may be a failure in the stimulation of the testes.
The powder does not act in the following cases
-Varicocele: it is necessary to treat the varicocele first
– Absence of testicle or organic problem.
-Cancer prostate.
– Sterility due to alcoholism or chronic smoking unless the patient changes lifestyle: Total cessation of alcohol, tobacco and detox before treatment.
– Bad lifestyle. The vagabond man, a public distributor of sperm without restraint.
Retrograde ejaculation: sperm is not ejaculated outwards but towards the bladder
-Exposure to excessive amounts of heat
-The presence of anti-sperm antibodies: men can sometimes immunize themselves against their spermatozoa: in this case, the mobility and the fertilizing capacity of the spermatozoa are diminished
-Some diseases of the liver and kidney
-Repeated exposures to chemical compounds
-Obstruction of the excretory ways (epididymides, varicocele, vas deferens or ejaculators) to allow the release of sperm despite a normal quality of sperm produced by the testicles
– A genetic anomaly: Klinefelter’s syndrome, a chromosomal anomaly, which combines testicular atrophy, azoospermia (absence of spermatozoa in ejaculate) and gynecomastia.
Why herbal tea is effective against male infertility or male infertility
The first property of the Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans
The product exhibits anabolic, antioxidant, invigorating, and stimulating effects on erogenous zones, demonstrating activity akin to testosterone, which impacts the sexual domain. Additionally, it comprises compounds that affect not only the reproductive organs but also significantly influence the brain and microcirculation. This remedy promotes an increase in sperm count and enhances sperm production to adequate levels within a three-month treatment period.
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The second property of the Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans
– Powder strengthens vitality, increases physical, sexual and mental stamina, promotes sperm formation and endurance, promotes, fluid production, and strengthens will, determination and self-confidence.
Other Advantages of Natural Treatment of Fertility in Humans
– In addition to the invigorating and dynamic characteristics of the product, the presence of sterols and phytohormones—plant-derived hormones—promotes an energizing effect that enhances the hormonal functions of the reproductive organs, including estrogen and testosterone. The phytohormones within the product exert influence on both the central nervous system and the endocrine glands, effectively addressing issues such as diminished libido and impotence, whether of endocrine or psychological origin, particularly in individuals with heightened emotional sensitivity.
Furthermore, the product contributes to improved muscle tone, the restoration of physical vitality, and the alleviation of nervous fatigue and age-related psychological disorders. The micro-nutrients contained in the products, including zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium, starch, and amino acids, serve to combat fatigue. They also address issues of frigidity and sexual impotence while revitalizing and enhancing both physical and sexual energy levels. The formulation includes components that provide stimulation and energy, as well as those that promote bodily balance. These vasodilating and harmonizing agents, such as tannins, trace elements, starch, caffeine, and theobromine, activate the parasympathetic centre of the urogenital organs, thereby supplying the necessary stimuli for erection and secretion to the erectile nerves of the penis and clitoris.
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Male infertility, male infertility, oligospermia, azoospermia, asthenospermia, etc.
Manual :
– Boil a tablespoon of the powder in one litre of water for 5 minutes. Let cool and filter.
Drink half a glass, once a day, for three months.
–In the morning at sunrise and 3 times a week for 3 months, take a teaspoon of the powder in a homogenous mixture of cold-pressed olive oil and juice of ripe lemon,
NB: Allow three months of treatment with 12 sachets
Make the diagnosis well before committing to the three treatments with 10 sachets.