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155-Late Pregnancy: How To Have A Baby After 40?

Pregnancy after 40 chances.

Pregnancy after 40 chances.

Pregnancy after 40 chances. It is quite possible to have a baby at 40 and even more if certain conditions are met. It is of course necessary to continue to ovulate, to have a husband and a uterus capable of carrying a pregnancy.

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Late Pregnancy: How To Have A Baby After 40?

The desire to have a child grips you, despite your advanced age. The call of motherhood is becoming more and more urgent. What are the possibilities for you to procreate, the advantages, the dangers and the disadvantages of late pregnancy? The hope of carrying out pregnancy is it still allowed after 40 years

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Significant advantages: stability and maturity

Having a baby after 40 is possible and it brings many joys. However, nothing is easy at this age. Everything is possible if you have good physical health. Indeed, if you are in good physical shape, you will recover well from childbirth. In addition, you will be a happy mother, a gifted and experienced mother. Even if you are not sure if you are a granny if you are not yet, you will be happy to be a mother again. Also having a child keeps your heart and mind young.

On the other hand, couples who welcome a baby after the age of 40 are more stable emotionally and financially. They have made their dreams come true and have reached a sufficient degree of maturity to cope with this major upheaval. In addition, they have accumulated experiences that will serve them for the education of their offspring.

However, although it is becoming more and more common, if you decide to have a child at 40, you need to know the issues well.

Late Pregnancy: How To Have A Baby After 40?

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Fertility: a big challenge

It is important to know that the possibility of pregnancy declines significantly with age. According to experts, the chances of getting pregnant are 53% at 40 years old, compared to 91% at 30 years old and 99% between 18 and 25 years old. So, it is better to have children earlier. Start making children around 25 and finish before 40. But sometimes life forces us to look for a baby at 40

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Late Pregnancy and the Risks: Pregnancy after 40 chances.

How To Have A Baby After 40 and What Are the Risks Despite increased life expectancy and medical advances, being pregnant at age 40 carries significant health risks for expectant mothers. Indeed, a late pregnancy increases the risk of:

develop gestational diabetes
gestational hypertension
premature delivery
have preeclampsia
have placenta previa: an abnormality characterized by rupture and partial detachment of the placenta at the end of pregnancy or during childbirth

An increase in the number of miscarriages: Pregnancy after 40 chances.

According to statistics, between 25% and 30% of pregnancies will end in miscarriage in women over 40. At 45, the odds drop to 42%. Miscarriage usually occurs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes later. A problem with the development of the fetus, the uterus or its cervix, or even a hormonal deficiency can be the cause.

However, if the warning signs (pain, brown or red discharge, nausea, less sensitive breasts) occur during the second or third trimester, the doctor may intervene and impose a rest that will be beneficial to you to continue the treatment. motherhood adventure.

Late Pregnancy: How To Have A Baby After 40?

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Complications related to childbirth: prematurity and cesarean section

From the age of 40, women have a one in three chance of giving birth prematurely. Thus, the baby will then have to fight for its survival. And, for some, premature birth can lead to developmental complications in the child. There are therefore risks in the case of late pregnancy.

Another consequence of late pregnancy is a cesarean section. Statistics show that one in two women who are pregnant for the first time at age 40 has a Caesarean section. This makes it more difficult to recover from childbirth.

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Pregnancy after 40 chances. What about the baby?

If a late pregnancy is difficult for the mother-to-be, it also poses dangers for the unborn baby. He may have a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down’s syndrome, or have a heart or birth defect such as a diaphragmatic hernia and club feet. Unfortunately, the risks are much higher for mothers in their forties.

However, be aware that the blood tests, the nuchal translucency examination performed during the early pregnancy ultrasound (i.e. between the 11th and 13th week) and the 2nd and 3rd-trimester ultrasounds can detect a majority of abnormalities. chromosomal or malformations.

Pregnancy after 40 chances. The disadvantages of age

You may find that you don’t have the same stamina and patience as you did when you were twenty. Add to that the angst. Indeed, many women, and some men, question their ability to bridge the generation gap. Will I live up to my adolescent’s expectations when I find myself in the middle of menopause? Will I be able to understand it, evolve with it? If you are open-minded, you are likely to be able to keep up with their pace. If not, you will need to think about it before considering procreation.


Pregnancy after 40 chances. In conclusion

Of course, the dangers and difficulties increase with age, but sometimes age can also lead to a more responsible pregnancy. However, it does require careful monitoring if you choose to take the leap and have a child in your 40s. You may also need to change some lifestyle habits to provide you and your unborn baby with the ideal conditions to complete your life plan.

However, many mothers in their forties admit that the arrival of their little baby is the greatest joy that life has given them …

For more information and to know the various statistics related to late pregnancies, visit the Ste-Justine Hospital website

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