Amnesia Natural Treatment
Diseases and Treatments

455:Amnesia Natural Treatment And Nutrition In DRC


Amnesia is a condition in which memory becomes impaired to the extent that it cannot be fully restored. This memory loss can cause significant distress for both patients and their families due to the emotional impact of losing memories. Amnesia is most common in individuals aged 55 to 85, but younger people can also experience amnesia disorders if they are not careful.
While amnesia can prevent individuals from recalling certain memories, it typically does not affect their knowledge of their name or their ability to perform basic bodily functions, such as speech or daily tasks like dressing.
Amnesia can be short-term or long-term. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Addressing issues like medical conditions or mental health problems may improve memory recall, and therapy can also help.

Types of Amnesia: Amnesia Natural Treatment

There are several types of amnesia, each defined by the specific memory loss they cause. This can include different aspects of past and future experiences, as well as information and learning. The type of amnesia a person has depends on various factors, including the underlying cause of the condition and the events that occurred when the problem began.

Amnesia is a general class of memory loss that includes the following categories:2

  • Anterograde amnesia: This condition impairs short-term memory, making it difficult to learn and retain new information, while still allowing recall of past experiences.
  • Retrograde amnesia: It severely disrupts long-term memory and significantly hinders the ability to recall information acquired before amnesia occurs.


It is possible to have both anterograde and retrograde amnesia simultaneously.


Amnesia can affect how you process past and current memories and learning. The categories include:

  • Dissociative amnesia: A rare dissociative disorder that causes an inability to recall important aspects of one’s identity and life, leading to retrograde amnesia of autobiographical memory. It often follows severe trauma or psychological stress.
  • Post-traumatic amnesia: Memory loss after a brain injury, such as a stroke or head trauma, can cause disorientation and confusion about your identity, location, and the cause of the injury.
  • Transient global amnesia: This condition causes a sudden, brief loss of memory, often affecting middle-aged and elderly individuals. It lasts from one to ten hours, during which new memories cannot be formed. Individuals typically retain their identity, recognize family members, and can perform daily tasks, though they may experience headaches, nausea, or dizziness.

Triggers include certain medications, general anaesthesia, or substance abuse. While memory loss is usually temporary, recalling events from that time may be difficult or impossible.

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Amnesia Symptoms: Amnesia Natural Treatment

The experience of amnesia can vary based on its cause. Symptoms may develop either gradually or suddenly, leading to issues that can last from a few hours to potentially a lifetime.

Symptoms of amnesia can involve loss of memory of one or more of the following aspects:78

  • Personal autobiographical information and other details that define your identity
  • Past events, information, education, or circumstances
  • A specific period preceding the onset of amnesia
  • An entire lifetime of experiences
  • Any experience or information that occurred after the start of amnesia, causing an inability to make new memories

The following symptoms may also accompany amnesia:

  • Confusion
  • Confabulation, or the creation of false memories to replace lost memories
  • Tremors or other uncoordinated movements that occur with neurological problems
  • Disorientation

How Is Amnesia Different Than Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?

Amnesia symptoms are often confused with other memory loss types. It primarily affects memory while leaving other cognitive functions intact. Other forms of memory loss can include:

  • Dementia: A decline in cognitive abilities that affects memory, behaviour, and the ability to perform daily tasks.
  • Alzheimer’s disease: One cause of dementia.


Amnesia occurs when disease or damage impacts brain areas essential for memory processing. Addressing the underlying cause of amnesia can sometimes enhance or restore the ability to recall and form new memories.

The following are possible causes of amnesia:

  • Brain injury from a car crash or other type of blunt force
  • Stroke, brain tumour, dementia, or other types of brain disease
  • Encephalitis or other types of brain infection
  • Hypoxia, ischemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, or other types of oxygen deprivation
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Medications, drug abuse, or general anaesthesia
  • Wernicke encephalopathy (thiamine deficiency)
  • Emotional trauma as a result of a disturbing event or experience


The type of amnesia you have influenced the treatment you will receive for your symptoms. If your memory issues stem from an underlying medical condition, it’s important to obtain an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for that condition before your memory can improve.

Though there is no cure for amnesia, you may be able to improve symptoms or restore your ability to recall and make new memories with one of the following therapies based on the cause of your amnesia:11

  • Occupational therapy to recover lost memories, build new memories, and counter ongoing memory loss
  • Dietary supplements for amnesia caused by a thiamin deficiency
  • Memory aids to help you function normally
  • Psychotherapy to identify and cope with traumatic sources of amnesia
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) empowers you to build effective strategies for overcoming harmful thoughts and behaviours, paving the way for a healthier mindset and a more fulfilling life.
  • Hypnosis to help you recover lost memories and prevent ongoing memory loss
  • Meditation and alternative therapies to relieve stress
  • Medication to treat underlying conditions or symptoms of anxiety or depression that may occur with amnesia

Read more about natural memory aid

Natural Remedies for Amnesia: Amnesia Natural Treatment

Natural treatments for amnesia are effective and usually have fewer side effects. Herbal remedies, along with vitamins, minerals, exercise, healthy foods, and lifestyle changes, are gaining popularity. These options can safely be combined with conventional medications.

Herbs for Amnesia

Certain herbs, like ginkgo biloba, have effective memory-boosting properties and can naturally treat amnesia by enhancing learning and memory.

Siberian ginseng is another wonder herb used to stimulate the nervous system and central organs. It can treat amnesia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and erectile dysfunction. It has shown positive effects in improving memory lapses as well.

Fenugreek seeds These foods are high in vitamins A, B complex, C, and E, as well as magnesium, thiamine, and phosphorus, which support brain function.

Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo biloba is the oldest tree species and is used as a remedy for amnesia, Alzheimer’s, mood swings, PMS, and depression. Its extracts may help reduce amnesia caused by anticholinergic medications.


Natural Remedies for Amnesia

Vitamins and minerals are essential for memory function. You can boost memory by eating green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits, or through nutritional supplements. Include the following nutrients in your natural memory enhancement plan.

Folic acid is essential in the production of new cells. It prevents anaemia and supports healthy neurological function. Folic acid has been shown to improve memory function in amnesia patients. Dark green, leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains, seafood, fruits and eggs are excellent sources of this vitamin B9.

Vitamin B6 helps prevent amnesia and other cognitive disorders, including memory loss. It is anti amnesic which has been shown to improve memory function in amnesia patients. You can source it from fatty fish like salmon and tuna, poultry meat and beef liver.

Zinc aids in neurological development and functions. It also helps prevent amnesia and a host of other brain diseases. Red meat, dairy products, shellfish, seeds and legumes are high in zinc.

Manganese is a natural mineral that helps with memory function. It is especially useful in treating anomic aphasia where the sufferer has lost the ability to speak. Seafood, nuts, potato, whole wheat bread and brown rice provide high levels of this mineral.

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Exercise for Amnesia: Amnesia Natural Treatment

Regular physical activity boosts blood flow to the brain, helping those with memory issues. However, amnesiacs should avoid strenuous exercise. Chess and jigsaw puzzles are as beneficial as walking or dancing. If you can’t go outdoors, engage in mental exercises like Sudoku, painting, writing, or playing music to improve cognitive skills.

Nutrition for Amnesia

Maintaining a healthy diet is good for your mind and body. Add more servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your plate, while cutting down on sugar and alcohol as they contribute to memory loss. Also, make sure that your daily diet is packed with thiamine, an essential nutrient that aids brain cell metabolism and reduces the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions that cause memory loss.

Meditation for Amnesia

Meditation can improve your memory and reduce the risk of developing amnesia. It reduces stress, stimulates brain chemicals and enhances focus, which are all essential to the health of the mind. There are different types of meditation that you can do while seated quietly, while in motion, in a group or by yourself.

Relaxation Techniques for Amnesia: Amnesia Natural Treatment

Adopting a positive mindset can benefit amnesia patients by promoting better mental function. To reduce stress, practice breathing and relaxation techniques, which can help consolidate memories.

Natural treatments can be effective for amnesia, but lifestyle changes are essential. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial, as sleep helps cement daily memories.


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Write and edit by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA On  25/10/24
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