075-Hepatitis B Unconventional Hepatitis B Treatment
Unconventional Hepatitis B Treatment Natural Hepatitis B Remedy to cure and permanently end hepatitis b.
Good Herbal Remedy Effective For Curing Hepatitis B. On this page, you will find natural methods of combating viral hepatitis B.
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Associated question
What is Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic illnesses. It is a liver disease caused by a virus that is spread mainly through sex or through contact with infected blood. This infection is mild in most cases. However, it can cause death
Unconventional treatments for hepatitis B
Phytotherapy is an Unconventional Treatment for Hepatitis B
Several medicinal plants treat acute or chronic viral hepatitis:
milk thistle (Silybum marianum);
Phyllanthus amarus
schisandra (Schisandra sinensis);
Lannea acida
dandelion (Taraxacum officinale);
bridelia ferruginea
licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
nauclea latifolia
Crateva religiosa
Supplements for Unconventional Hepatitis B Treatment
Supplements offer interesting possibilities in the case of hepatitis B. This is particularly the case with selenium and vitamin E and citrus fruits. Dietary supplement intake is a good Unconventional Treatment of Hepatitis B
This substance is found in lecithin and appears to be effective in treating hepatitis C, but the results are conflicting for hepatitis B. In a double-blind study of patients with chronic hepatitis B, the biopsies reported a significant reduction in liver damage. Patients were to take 3 g of phosphatidylcholine per day. On the other hand, a large and more recent study, carried out in double-blind and randomized, relating to hepatitis B and C, did not give valid results in the case of the first.
Hepatitis B and Selenium Unconventional Hepatitis B Treatment
In China, the rate of hepatitis B is very high. In epidemiological surveys carried out in the Qidong region, very low selenium levels have coincided with a high rate of hepatitis B and primary liver cancers. Conversely, selenium supplementation appears to be able to reduce the incidence of these two diseases.
In a study involving 130,471 subjects, one group took table salt with added selenium, unlike the control group. During the eight years of medical follow-up, the researchers observed a 35.01% reduction in the rate of primary liver cancer in those who took selenium.
Hepatitis B rate
When selenium supplementation was stopped, the rate of primary liver cancer began to rise in this group. However, the protective effect of selenium against hepatitis B was maintained for three years.
In another double-blind Chinese study – but using only 223 subjects with hepatitis B – none of those who took 200 mcg of selenium per day for four years was diagnosed with liver cancer. But when they stopped selenium supplementation, liver cancer appeared in proportions comparable to the placebo group (7 out of 113 cases). The researchers conclude that the continuous intake of selenium is essential to maintain the protective effect against cancer.
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Selenium as an Unconventional Treatment for Hepatitis B
Daily selenium is a good Unconventional Treatment of Hepatitis B
Vitamin E Unconventional Hepatitis B Treatment
Following a randomized, controlled study of 32 patients with chronic hepatitis B, researchers concluded that vitamin E could be an effective treatment for this disease. They observed complete recovery in 47% of patients who used 300 IU of vitamin E, twice a day for three months. No cure took place in the control group which received only placebo6. This cure rate compares very favourably with that obtained by conventional treatments. (See also Hepatitis.) On the other hand, people with cirrhosis following hepatitis may have vitamin E deficiency and therefore benefit from supplementation.
In conclusion, a contribution of Vitamin E is useful for Treating Hepatitis B
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Click on the link below to discover a natural recipe to get rid of hepatitis in one month: