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Write and edit by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA On 09/12/23
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Good to know: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

Some foods and supplements, such as those containing alkaloids and anthraquinones, could have antiviral properties. However, more research is necessary to understand exactly how effective these biological products are.

As such, it is important to note that any herbal remedies and supplements that claim to treat hepatitis B do not undergo regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Consequently, they do not undergo rigorous testing for purity and safety.

Therefore, a person should discuss treatment options with a doctor and whether natural options are suitable for them.

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Viral load  Meaning and its importance: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

Measuring the hepatitis B viral load, also known as hepatitis B virus DNA quantification, involves a blood test that serves as an indicator of how severe a hepatitis B infection is.

The term “viral load” refers to the number of viruses in a person’s body. When a person has a high viral load, they have more of the virus in their body. Typically, a healthcare professional may use 20,000 international units per millilitre (IU/mL) as a guide for hepatitis B. A viral load below this level suggests a lower likelihood of liver damage.

A high viral load of hepatitis B can also lead to more complications and is a risk factor for liver cancer.


Do Natural treatments help with hepatitis B?

Some natural treatments may help with hepatitis B. However, the most impactful ones are lifestyle changes. For example, these can include avoiding or reducing alcohol and making healthier choices about food.

A person living with hepatitis B may find natural products in foods or supplements useful, including:

  • Alkaloids: These are found in honey, cocoa, tea, and coffee.
  • Anthraquinones: Anthraquinones are found in rhubarb and aloe.
  • Aromatics: Onions, celery, and carrots are examples of aromatics.
  • Artemisinin: This is found in the bitter herb, wormwood.
  • Blueberry proanthocyanidins: These are found in blueberry juice.

Before taking any supplement or increasing the intake of foods containing these biological products, a person should consult with a healthcare professional. They will be able to advise if it is safe to do so. These ingredients are not subject to robust clinical trials and as such, their effectiveness and safety in treating hepatitis B is not known.

When a person has hepatitis B, doctors may need to monitor the impact of their lifestyle changes. Doctors will likely measure their liver enzymes, viral load, and platelet count during regular appointments.


Herbal remedies and supplements support liver health

Some herbal remedies proponents suggest can support liver health include:

Milk thistle: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

Milk thistle is a herb native to the Mediterranean region that may be beneficial for liver health. Several promising studies suggest milk thistle could help reduce damage from liver disease. However, controlled trials found there was little to no evidence of its effectiveness.

Kampos: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

A recent review observed that Kampo medicine, a type of traditional Eastern medicine, may help suppress the hepatitis B virus and reduce its viral load. In particular, maoto may provide some benefits.

However, more studies are necessary to further investigate the effect of maoto in humans on hepatitis B infections. Presently, there is little to no research that suggests it is an effective treatment.

Vitamin E: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties and helps keep liver cells healthy. Several clinical trials suggest it could help improve inflammation and liver cell injury in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which tends to occur in people with chronic hepatitis B infections.

However, it is not clear if using vitamin E as long-term management for NAFLD is a suitable treatment option, and more research is necessary.

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Colloidal silver: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

The FDA has warned that colloidal silver is not safe for treating any disease or condition. Moreover, they have also brought action against companies promoting its health benefits, including its use as an antiviral treatment for hepatitis.

Lifestyle changes to help manage hepatitis B

There are several lifestyle changes a person can make to help manage hepatitis B, including:

  • receiving hepatitis vaccinations
  • eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats
  • avoiding alcohol
  • ensuring over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, such as acetaminophen, are safe, as these can strain the liver
  • checking with a pharmacist or doctor that any supplements are safe to take
  • reducing stress levels
  • avoiding undercooked or raw shellfish, as bacterial contamination can damage the liver

No more about HIV Natural Treatment

Medications for lowering viral load

Doctors tend to only treat hepatitis B when it is a chronic disease and begins to damage a person’s liver. When this happens, a doctor may prescribe antiviral medications that aim to reduce viral load.

These medications are usually in tablet form and can include:

  • entecavir (Baraclude)
  • tenofovir alafenamide (Vemlidy)
  • tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (Viread)

Another medication a person could receive is peginterferon alfa-2a (Pegasys). However, this is not an oral medication. Instead, a person receives this drug through an injection.

Read on to learn more about hepatitis B treatments.

Summary: Reduce Hepatitis Viral Load

In addition to an antiviral treatment regimen, people can try managing their hepatitis B viral load with natural options. However, a person should discuss whether using these natural treatments with a doctor is suitable. Importantly, a person should not attempt to replace their hepatitis B medications with herbal supplements.

Some of the most effective natural options for managing hepatitis B include maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This can consist of not consuming alcohol, eating whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and maintaining a moderate weight.

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Write and edit by Oluwaferanmi DJIMA On 09/12/23
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