Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction is easy to treat with herbal tea, soap, cream and root. The best remedy for sexual enjoyment.
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Remedy 011:Premature Ejaculation, the Best natural treatment to cure it.
Tonisex soap E premature ejaculation is a good tonisexuelle.
Herbal Tea N ° 011: Toning Soap E Premature Ejaculation
NB: -Tisane N ° 011: Tonic soap E Early premature ejaculation combats premature ejaculation, sexual breakdowns and provides a hard erection like a rock. But be careful, you do not treat premature ejaculation with a wand and you must follow the program of the series tonisex E with soap.
Then ointment and powder tonisex E, because it is also necessary to tonify also the Pc muscle and other keys by specific exercises contained in the program. It takes three months of treatment with the three products for a complete cure. You need advanced treatment with follow-up if you want to finish it for good, for a new sex life with your partner. No worries you are a step away from happiness.
Technical sheet
Weight | 75g |
Compositions | Plant extracts |
Active ingredients | Sedative, anaesthetic and retarding tannins. |
Presentation | Black well-packed soap |
Manual | Read the leaflet |
Side effects | no |
Indications | Sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, impotence, decreased libido, pc muscle weakness, erection pout, etc. |
Duration of treatment | 4 to 8 months |
Price | 20 euros |
Afrique-tisane N ° 11: E tonisex soap (premature ejaculation, sexual impotence, etc.)
-White Black 25g
-Extracts of 7 vegetables.
– native soap, oil of nigella.
Active ingredients
– Calming, anaesthetic and retarding tannins.
Price: 20 €
Understand the evil.
We must not confuse premature ejaculation with sexual weakness. You need sedatives rather than excitants. You should avoid the stimulants like hard alcohol, coffee, tobacco, hard drugs tone the pc muscle and learn to breathe well, I mean learn to contract muscle pc and control breathing (inspiration, retention, expiration ).
If you have a newborn next to you, observe it and admire how it breathes and then imitate it to learn how to breathe better. Watch the little boys piss in jerks by contraction of the pc muscle The worries of this world have not yet modified their way of breathing and playing.
The fact
The modern man no longer knows how to breathe properly and he does everything in a hurry. He no longer knows how to tone his muscles pc When everything works well, no worries but our way of life challenges us at every moment with a lot of alarm bells. And instead of medicating, you have to think and rethink your life. Whoever manages to control his breathing has already overcome his problem of premature ejaculation.
Our brain is too busy with the worries of this world, the work to be done, the fear of tomorrow and even in bed, the wandering spirit and the brain is no longer able to play its role of controlling orgasm. Our lives are overwhelmed. We have a lot to learn about how to breathe our pets and even how they play. To tell you that premature ejaculation is a problem of self-management, sexual reeducation except for cases of organic causes and I ask you to reread the headings premature ejaculation to avoid repetitions
Even if you know for certain that you are suffering, never forget that you are not a doctor because primary or secondary premature ejaculation can hide a more serious organic problem (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, varicocele, prostate cancer, weakness Pc muscle, diabetes, hypertension, etc.). You should therefore consult your family doctor to investigate the root cause of your illness.
The therapeutic effects of soap.
The soap reduces your sensitivity, delays ejaculation increases your libido and provides a hard erection in the duration. Indeed, the product is a local anaesthetic and a sexual retardant. Once in contact with the penis and the penis, it softened the excitement at the level of the penis, thus sensitising the penis thus delaying your ejaculation because it is difficult for you to control your ejaculation or to reconcile your pleasure and that of your partner.
The erection remains well sustained throughout the period of the sexual act to allow the woman to happily reach her orgasm under your control. The effect lasts several minutes and you stay active for a long time and once the anaesthetic effect is over and the sensations fully recovered, you can enjoy yourself in a relaxing sleep after a complete sexual act.
Premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, decreased libido, etc.
Manual :
Using a gentle sponge, use water and soap to wash the penis, about 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Success guaranteed without side effects. The soap tones the penis delays ejaculation, increases your resistance and your performance in the duration.
NB: But be careful, you do not treat premature ejaculation with a wand and you must follow the program of the series tonisex E with soap, ointment and powder tonisex E, because it is also necessary to tone Also the pc muscle by specific exercises contained in the program. It takes three months of treatment for a complete cure.
A more complete notice accompanies the delivered product.
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Premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction
Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction is easy to treat with herbal tea, soap, cream and root. We offer of the man a good solution to fuck hard long time
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction is easy to treat with herbal tea, soap, cream and root. The best remedy for sexual enjoyment.