Purification Incense Protection . Purification incense will be helpful in purifying a new home, a workplace, a courted person. Please find the recipe and remedy. Important to purify a place . It is not fetishism or idolatry but a question of faith in the mercy of God. Washing, protection, purification, relaxation and spiritual help. Please find out what an incense can change in your life.
Positive Tradition Purification Incense Protection
Purification incense will be helpful in purifying a new home, a workplace, a courted person. Please find the recipe and remedy. Important to purify a place .Remedy 133: Positive Tradition, purification incense, protection, disemboweling is very effective to purify, disenchant, desensorate a possessed of a malignant spirit, a husband or a woman of night, of a bewitchment, etc. Good for destroying a spell, removing a bad spell, undoing desperate situations and freeing places, homes and shops mined in witchcraft. Its use should be systematic in the houses because there are always spirits who wander in the houses or all around looking for easy prey.
Miracle effect of the product
In situations of loss of self-confidence, insecurity, persecution, bewitchment or possession, correct use of this incense will completely change your life. It is not fetishism or idolatry but a question of the liver in the mercy of God. God is love and with a little liver in God by the path of Divine love you will reach the self, the higher plane of God where the spirit commands the matter by the power of the verb, of the oriented thought, of visualization and imagination. The only way to God « the MAHU, the YAVE, the JEHOVA, the I AM THAT I AM » is the way of love, the way of charity and there is no other way for reach the SOI. No religion has the prerogative of truth and only love is the universal religion revealed to all peoples according to their practice for thousands of years.
The effectiveness of our product
The only religion of God is love and that’s all. Let’s focus on love and charity and avoid wars of religion. Practice love in the religion you have chosen and by your way of life be a living witness of the love of God. Do what you must do with love to advance humanity and you will find yourself in heaven. We will all meet there with joy and love by the grace of God to serve the Almighty, the supreme creator, the only God Love to multiple human names. Let us do only with patience and love what is good, let us be beings of light and hope.
Good to untie the situations of bewitchment in the liver in God by the love manifested in a consecrated soul, a superior entity, a prophet, a spirit and par excellence incarnated in Christ Jesus. The more you practice love, the more your spirit is purified, the more you radiate, the more your aura surrounds you with divine light and the closer you get to God without ever being equal to him.
weight 50g
Compositions: Incense, resin, myrrh, benzoin, storax, olibanum, sandalwood, sacred gardenia, guila, sulfur, vegetable and mineral extracts, etc.
Active ingredients: Tannins, resins, prayers and specific elements
Antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory, spiritual detoxification, washing,
Indications: Possession, bewitchment, bizarre illness, night husband, ghost vision, nightmare, depression, need for protection, exorcism, nocturnal paralysis, night rifle, feeling of insecurity, fear, loss of self-confidence, professional blockage, need for purification, need spiritual washing, etc.
Presentation: powder in sachet or pot
Instructions for use Read the instructions
Duration of treatment 21 days renewable at will or occasional use
Price 30 euros
Remedy 133: Positive Tradition, Purification Incense, Protection.
Free, hunt evil spirits, wizards, night husbands, ghosts, wandering spirits, etc.
Powder in 50g sachet
Incense, resin, myrrh, benzoin, storax, olibanum, sandalwood, gardenia, plant and mineral extracts, etc.
Active subtances
Tannins, resins, prayers and specific elements of positive vibrations
Price: 30 €
The therapeutic effects of Purification Incense Protection
Remedy 133: Positive Tradition, Purification Incense, Protection. désenvoutement disembarrows, protects, promotes a sense of responsibility, constancy and fidelity. This incense protects against negative forces during sleep, promotes the sum. It is very effective against nightmares. Where our incense burns, no ominous bird can cross without falling to the ground. Burn our incense and be sure that your home is under divine protection. In addition to its protective nature, our incense pleasantly perfumes the house, attracts a lot of positive vibrations: luck, love, clairvoyance, purifies wandering and lost souls. A child seems to be bewitched, praising the place to observe his instant deliverance. It is a divine wonder that is not associated with any belief except your liver. Wandering and lost souls, evil spirits, the evil eye, etc. will have nothing to do with you, neither in you, nor around you.
Possession, bewitchment, bizarre illness, night husband, ghost vision, nightmare, depression, need for protection, exorcism, nocturnal paralysis, night rifle, feeling of insecurity, fear, loss of self-confidence, professional blockage, need for purification , need spiritual washing, etc.
Manual : Purification Incense Protection
Read the instructions
NB: In situations of loss of self-confidence, insecurity, persecution, bewitchment or possession, proper use of this incense will completely change your life. It is not fetishism or idolatry but a question of faith in the mercy of God.
Washing, protection, purification, relaxation and spiritual help. Please find out what an incense can change in your life.
In situations of loss of self-confidence, insecurity, persecution, bewitchment or possession, correct use of this incense will completely change your life. It is not fetishism or idolatry but a question of the liver in the mercy of God
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