The natural treatment for skin diseases associated with AIDS is completely effective and free from side effects. It is the most effective product.
AIDS and Skin Disorders: Natural Remedies. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This virus gradually exerts control over T4 lymphocytes, leading to their destruction, and utilizes these cells to disseminate throughout the body by releasing particular toxins.
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AIDS and Skin Disorders: Natural Remedies. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the causative agent of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This virus gradually exerts control over T4 lymphocytes, leading to their destruction, and utilizes these cells to disseminate throughout the body by releasing particular toxins.
The transmission
HIV is transmitted exclusively through specific bodily fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The virus can only be transmitted if these fluids come into contact with a mucous membrane, which allows entry into the body. Intact, healthy skin acts as a barrier against HIV, meaning that activities such as shaking hands with an HIV-positive individual or sharing a meal pose no risk of transmission. Transmission of HIV/AIDS requires the exchange of bodily fluids that have been ingested. Individuals diagnosed with HIV should routinely consult their general practitioner to monitor both viral load and T4 or CD4 blood levels.
weight 50g
Compositions Organic: plant extracts
Properties: Antibiotic, antifungal, restoring skin
Indications: Mycosis, herpes, itching, scabies, ringworm, shingles, etc.
Active ingredients: Tannins, glycoside, etc.
Presentation: Black soap well packaged
Instructions for use Read the instructions
Duration of treatment 21 days a month for as long as possible
Unit price: 30 euros
Therapeutic effects of AIDS Skin Diseases Natural treatment
It is essential to combine herbal teas 127, 128, and 129 to achieve optimal results. Regular monitoring is required to track the progression of the T4 lymphocyte count and the reduction of the viral load, which will help assess the treatment’s effectiveness. With the treatment, the CD4 count is expected to rise from approximately 100 to 200 cells/mm³ every three months, but it should not exceed 1200 cells/mm³ as the viral load approaches zero. While the virus will be rendered inactive, it is crucial to maintain vigilance and continue follow-up care throughout the treatment process. It is advisable to conduct both tests at the same biological analysis laboratory each time to ensure reliable comparisons of the results. Thank you for your understanding. Nature offers remarkable benefits at a minimal cost. Many unfortunate situations can be prevented through awareness. This knowledge is accessible to everyone
Viral load
Upon entering the body, the virus releases toxins or a viral load that signifies its persistent presence, barring any miraculous intervention. A lower viral load indicates a reduced quantity of the virus in the bloodstream and diminished activity. The viral load (CV) can vary significantly, ranging from over 1,000,000 copies/ml to an undetectable level due to treatment. It is important to note that an undetectable viral load does not imply the absence of HIV in the body; rather, it indicates that the virus is no longer detectable in the blood. Once the virus has infiltrated and established itself within the body, it cannot be eradicated. However, it can be managed effectively, allowing individuals to maintain optimal health and a favourable CD4 count well into advanced age, which is the primary objective of our therapeutic approach.
Lymphocytes T or CD4
T lymphocytes, also known as CD4 cells, play a crucial role in orchestrating the immune response to infections. When a virus enters the body due to an illness, the T or CD4 cells coordinate and manage the immune reaction. However, HIV exploits these cells for its replication, leading to their damage and eventual destruction.
As a result, the immune system becomes compromised, leaving the body vulnerable to various viral and microbial threats. The count of these cells, measured in cells per cubic millimetre (mm³) of blood, serves as an indicator of immune system health. A normal CD4 count ranges from 500 to 1600 cells/mm³. When the count falls below 500 cells/mm³, the body’s ability to defend itself diminishes significantly, and the situation becomes critical when the count drops below 200 cells/mm³, particularly alarming at levels below 100 cells/mm³.
Read also: The best way to eliminate your viral load
The screening test
The HIV test detects anti-HIV antibodies in the bloodstream, identifying a seropositive individual. Untreated HIV infection can lead to AIDS or death. A negative test indicates no infection, but unprotected sexual activity within six weeks should be verified. Monitoring viral load and T4 lymphocyte levels is crucial for assessing response and determining treatment. Several plants are known to manage AIDS effectively.
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Caution: AIDS Skin Diseases Natural treatment
AIDS treatment doesn’t eliminate the disease, and it’s crucial to remain vigilant even when inactive. Effective treatment can lead to long lives without AIDS, but consistent medical supervision is necessary. Natural remedies may offer therapeutic benefits beyond standard medications.
Skin diseases HIV AIDS, Natural treatment
Natural remedies have more potent therapeutic properties than conventional medicines, but the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t need to be aware of them. Herbal tea is a field medicine that boosts the immune system to fight opportunistic diseases like fungus, flu, hepatitis, diarrhoea, fever, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, hypertension, malaria, typhoid fever, herpes, cancer, tumors, diabetes, incurable wounds, shingles, chickenpox, measles, kidney problems, liver, constipation, etc., and can relieve clinical symptoms in 90% of patients.
Know more on this Soap Skin diseases HIV aids
Remedy 127: Skin diseases HIV AIDS, Natural treatment Skin diseases
Soap protects the skin against opportunistic diseases such as shingles, herpes, mycosis, pimples, itching, pruritus, etc.
NB: For a good result, it is necessary to associate the herbal teas 127,128 and 129
NB: Skin diseases HIV AIDS, shingles, herpes, itching, pimples, what to do to better manage the situation. A natural solution in the form of soap medicinal plants